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Discovery that Connects

Science-based innovation for a changing world

Recent publications from the SIPS community – May 18, 2017

Postharvest physiology of edible plant tissues. In: Fenenema’s Food Chemistry, 5th edition. p. 1017-1085.

Watkins, C.B. 2017.  Damodaran, S., Parkin, K.L. (eds). CRC Press, Boca Raton.

N2O emissions from grain cropping systems: a meta-analysis of the impacts of fertilizer-based and ecologically-based nutrient management strategies.

Han, Z., Walter, M.T., and Drinkwater, L.E. 2017.  Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 107:335-355.

Detection of Australian grapevine viroid in Vitis vinifera in New York.

Vargas-Asencio, J., Perry, K.L., Wise, A., and Fuchs, M. 2016.  Plant Disease 101:848-848.

Xylella fastidiosa pil-chp operon is involved in regulating key structural genes of both type I and IV pili.

Hao, L., Athinuwat, D., Johnson, K., Cursino, L., Burr, T.J., and Mowery, P. 2017.  2017 56:8.

Mapping Recombination Initiation Sites Using Chromatin Immunoprecipitation.

He, Y., Wang, M., Sun, Q., and Pawlowski, W.P. 2016.  Pages 177-188 in: Plant Cytogenetics: Methods and Protocols, S.F. Kianian and P.M.A. Kianian, eds. Springer New York, New York, NY.

Exocytosis for endosymbiosis: membrane trafficking pathways for development of symbiotic membrane compartments.

Harrison, M.J., and Ivanov, S. 2017.  Current Opinion in Plant Biology 38:101-108.

Barbara McClintock rests at Cold Spring Harbor, New York.

Kass, L.B. 2017Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter 91

First Report of Puccinia coronata var. coronata sensu stricto Infecting Alder Buckthorn in the United States

S. C. Kenaley, G. Ecker, and G. C. Bergstrom. 2017. Plant Health Progress: doi:10.1094/PHP-01-17-0003-BR

Molecular and Biological Characterization of Tomato mottle mosaic virus and Development of RT-PCR Detection.

Sui, X., Zheng, Y., Li, R., Padmanabhan, C., Tian, T., Groth-Helms, D., Keinath, A.P., Fei, Z., Wu, Z., and Ling, K.-S. 2016.  Plant Disease 101:704-711.

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