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Discovery that Connects

Science-based innovation for a changing world

February Update from SIPS Interim Director Chris Smart

I know everyone is interested to know what is happening with the SIPS Director search.  An offer has been made to one of the three candidates and negotiations are ongoing (the Dean’s office is handling all negotiations). I’m certain we will know more in the next several weeks.

Interviews for two of our four faculty searches were certainly a highlight of the past month!  I had the pleasure of meeting with the candidates for both the Plant Metabolic Biochemistry and Specialty Crop Systems positions. Thanks to the search committees for bringing in such wonderful candidates. As the process continues, each search committees will recommend a candidate to the Dean’s office and with approval will make an offer.  We look forward to hearing who our new colleagues will be.

The two other ongoing faculty searches, Quantitative Genetics and Plant Biodiversity/Phylodiversity, are currently scheduling interviews.  I believe each search will be interviewing four candidates so please look for seminar announcements in the coming weeks.

Feel free to contact me with questions, concerns, or good news,


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