This week, Gannett’s Sarah Rubenstein-Gillis and Andrea Gerding presented tips for how to manage stress. First, Ms. Rubenstein-Gillis asked the audience where we feel stress in our bodies. I immediately thought about the tight, heaviness in my chest that I experience during weeks with multiple prelims. After discussing different techniques for managing time and staying focused while working, we were able to participate in a five-minute long meditation. I felt much more relaxed in my shoulders and neck after the meditation, even though I noticed my mind wandering away from my breath and to thoughts of the work I had to do after the Rose Cafe.
For me, the biggest takeaway from this cafe was a reminder of the importance of sleeping. We were told the story of a student who said she treated sleep like a job, making sure she was always “on time” for her bedtime and wake-up to ensure that she had ample rest every day. I have more work than ever this semester, and have noticed myself sacrificing my normal sleep schedule to study. After this cafe, however, I am reminded just how important sleep is to our overall mental and physical health, and I have already started to make a conscious effort to prioritize sleep. I am happy to report that after just three nights of making an effort to sleep earlier, I feel much more alert both physically and and mentally.