- Defining Ourselves as ‘Other’: Immigration, Class, and the American 20th century (CornellCast)(video notes)
Sunday 8/21, 3:30 PM, Statler Auditorium
Ileen Devault
Professor of Labor Relations, Law, and History
School of Industrial and Labor Relations - 1918 Influenza and Other Pandemics: What is Next? (CornellCast) (video notes)
Sunday 8/21, 3:30 PM, Willard Straight Hall Theater
Laura Harrington
Associate Professor of Entomology
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences - Engineering, Design, and the Odd Ideas of Langley Collyer (CornellCast)(video notes)
Sunday 8/21, 3:30 PM, Schwartz Center for the Performing Arts Theater
Matthew Miller
Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
College of Engineering - Doctorow: The Novelist as Historian (CornellCast)(video notes)
Sunday 8/21, 3:30 PM, Bailey Hall Auditorium
Richard Polenberg
Professor of History
College of Arts and Sciences - “It Has To Be Simple So That Anyone Can Sing It”: Popular Music and Genteel Poverty in Homer and Langley (video notes)
Sunday 8/21, 3:30 PM, Baker Lab 200
Steven Pond
Associate Professor of Music
College of Arts and Sciences - Novel or New York Times: The Psychology of Real and Media Realism (CornellCast) (video notes)
Sunday 8/21, 3:30 PM, Call Auditorium, Kennedy Hall
Michael Shapiro
Associate Professor of Communication
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences