Microsoft Copilot image of college cats at an artificial intelligence conference

Summarize Free Text Survey Responses

Today, I needed to summarize a lot of really random survey responses into general themes to include in a news article. This is the first time I’ve attempted summarizing survey responses. Luckily, Microsoft Copilot made short work of my initial prompt.

Text Prompt

You are an experienced event planner organizing a hybrid event about uses of generative AI in higher education. Read all the poster session responses and identify the general themes. Add percentages to approximate the popularity of each theme. Here is the question and the responses.


Based on the responses, here are the general themes identified along with their approximate popularity:

    1. AI in Education (30%): This includes AI in the classroom, AI-related presentations, and adjusting course policies to account for AI prevalence. Respondents mentioned working on a proof of concept for AI in the classroom, preparing AI-related presentations for training, and adjusting course policies to account for AI prevalence.
    2. Cross-Campus Collaborations (25%): This theme includes collaborations across different departments and campuses. Respondents mentioned partnering with different departments for various projects, including Microsoft 365, Teams, SharePoint, and building a secure research enclave in Azure.
    3. Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning (20%): This includes the use of advanced analytics, machine learning, and natural language processing for various purposes. Respondents mentioned using these technologies for providing enhanced assurance to meet strategic and engagement needs.
    4. Chatbots and Multilingual Support (15%): This theme involves the use of chatbots and support for multilingual writers. A respondent mentioned interest in presenting work on how the their office is responding to chatbots.
    5. Other (10%): This includes responses that did not fit into the above categories or did not provide enough information to be categorized.

Please note that these percentages are approximations and the actual popularity of each theme may vary. The categorization is also subjective and depends on the interpretation of the responses.

Image Prompt

create a silly image of college cats at an artificial intelligence conference

Microsoft Copilot image of college cats at an artificial intelligence conference

Why? Copilot in Edge can also generate images, but I did not learn how to give it the right prompt to create a pie chart. So…cats at a conference.