Adobe Firefly generated image of an architect working on a building model with an avatar

Improved Data Summarization

Based on ideas in the eCornell course, Generative AI for Business Transformation taught by Cornell Tech founding professor Karan Girotra, I’ve modified my previous free text summary prompt. Here, I have created a prompt using language I might include with a summer intern: Context, example of a previous outcome, and a framework.

The results were so fantastic, I anonymized the names so I could include the full response below the prompt.

Text Prompt

You are an experienced event manager in a prestigious New York university. You are planning an event for faculty, students, staff, and researchers from 3-5 universities. The theme is Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education. Submissions for posters vary widely and we need to narrow these ideas into central themes. Ideally, we would see four central themes and could identify the percentages of submissions in each of those areas. In addition, add one or two examples from each category. Before I give you the question and the responses, I will provide an example of the outcome I seek. Sample Outcome: AI in Education (30%) Cross-Campus Collaboration (25%) Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning (20%) Chatbots and Multilingual Support (15%) Question: Share your work on emerging technologies, AI, collaborations across campus, or any other cool things your group or unit is doing Submissions: (pasted in our data)


Certainly! Let’s delve into the central themes for your event on “Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education.” Based on the submissions you’ve received, I’ll identify four key themes and provide examples for each category:

    1. AI in Education (30%):
      • This theme focuses on how AI technologies can enhance teaching and learning experiences. It includes applications like personalized learning, adaptive assessments, and intelligent tutoring systems.
      • Example: Presentations on AI-driven personalized feedback for students, adaptive course content, or AI-powered virtual teaching assistants.
    2. Cross-Campus Collaboration (25%):
      • Highlighting collaborative efforts across universities, this theme explores how AI can bridge disciplines and foster interdisciplinary research.
      • Example: A poster showcasing joint projects between different departments or universities, such as collaborative research on AI ethics or cross-disciplinary AI courses.
    3. Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning (20%):
      • This theme delves into the technical aspects of AI, including machine learning algorithms, data analytics, and predictive modeling.
      • Example: Presentations on using machine learning to analyze student performance data, predict retention rates, or optimize course scheduling.
    4. Chatbots and Multilingual Support (15%):
      • Focusing on AI-driven communication tools, this theme covers chatbots, language translation, and multilingual support.
      • Example: A poster discussing how chatbots assist students with inquiries, provide multilingual resources, or enhance campus services.

Now, let’s map the submissions you’ve received to these themes:

    • Augmented Reality of Clinical Medical Linear Accelerators: While this project isn’t directly AI-related, it could fit under the broader umbrella of “Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning” if it involves data analysis or predictive modeling.
    • Collaboration with a Colleague in [Department name suppressed by Carlyn] (Lofti-Jam): This collaboration exemplifies “Cross-Campus Collaboration.” Highlight how different disciplines come together to explore AI applications.
    • [Name suppressed by Carlyn] Research and Innovation Work with Students and Genai Tool: Name1’s work aligns with “AI in Education.” Discuss how these efforts enhance student learning experiences.
    • Test Automation and Interest in AI Tools for Career Growth: While not a specific project, this falls under “Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning.” Explore how AI tools can benefit career development.
    • [Name suppressed by Carlyn] AWS and AI in the Classroom: Name2’s work directly fits “AI in Education.” Discuss the impact of AI on classroom dynamics and student outcomes.
    • [Administrative Department name suppressed by Carlyn] Collaborations with IT: This exemplifies “Cross-Campus Collaboration.” Highlight how AI technologies improve auditing processes.
    • [Name suppressed by Carlyn] English Language Support Office and Chatbots: Name3’s work directly relates to “Chatbots and Multilingual Support.” Discuss how chatbots assist multilingual graduate writers.
    • Educator Adjusting Course Policies for AI Prevalence: This falls under “AI in Education.” Explore responsible AI integration in curriculum design.
    • Writer and Creative Director Interested in Nexus Points: While not a specific project, this curiosity aligns with “Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning.” Discuss creative intersections of AI.
    • [College name1 suppressed by Carlyn] Collaborations Across Campuses: Highlight cross-institutional partnerships, emphasizing “Cross-Campus Collaboration.”
    • [College name2 suppressed by Carlyn] Secure Research Enclave in Azure: This project directly fits “Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning.” Discuss secure data handling and analytics.

Feel free to adapt and expand upon these examples to create engaging presentations for your event! 🌟 If you need further assistance, just let me know! 😊

Image Prompts

Riffing off that same ‘humanoid form made of swirling wind’ image  by Nandu Katangaza in Adobe Firefly, remove the Comic Book reference below the text of the prompt, change the content type to photo, then use a prompt like this:

Create a happy human flying through the upper stories of an urban cityscape, emphasize swirling computer code imitating winds through the tall buildings. create shallow depth of field and motion blur with long exposure

Adobe Firefly generated image of a person flying above a city

Using the profile of a college professor with long hair in a sunlight ground floor office engaging with a large computer screen, emphasize swirling winds of computer code flowing out of the screen and surrounding the person's hands on their keyboard or mouse. create shallow depth of field and motion blur with long exposure

Adobe Firefly created image showing the profile of a person interacting with their computer screen

Show three diversely different college students or professors talking outside on a campus around a tablet computer, emphasize swirling winds of computer code flowing around their bodies; create shallow depth of field and motion blur with long exposure

Adobe Firefly generated image of three college students with a tablet computer

Show a human architecture professor with a robot working on a physical model of a skyscraper while talking to an avatar on a large computer screen. emphasize swirling winds of computer code flowing out of the avatar on the screen and into the building model on the drafting table; create shallow depth of field and motion blur with long exposure

Adobe Firefly generated image of an architect working on a building model with an avatar

Show a human anthropology professor with a robot working on a physical model of a Mayan dig while talking to an avatar on a large computer screen. emphasize swirling winds of computer code flowing out of the avatar on the screen and into the archaeological site model on the drafting table; create shallow depth of field and motion blur with long exposure

Adobe Firefly generated image of an anthropologist working on a archaeological model with a tiny robot