college students working on a model of a bridge

Replicate a Forgotten Image Prompt

You forgot to save an image to your favorites and you forgot to save the prompt that generated it. I get it. You were on a deadline, the perfect image popped up, you downloaded it, then published the article and image and called it a day.

Now, someone wants to know how you created that great shot. And also, can you create some more images like that one?


To recreate a similar set of images, mull over what you were thinking when you created that first image. You can probably remember some of the general terms. When this happened to me, it led to the images you see in my Variations on a Theme post. For this example, I’ll create some new images. I need the practice.

While you are thinking about it, start up your own Prompt Library or Cookbook if you haven’t already done so. My first Prompt Library was an email thread I sent to my self over and over each time I found something that sort-of worked.

Replicate with a Similar Prompt and Previous Image

  1. Find the image you want to use to recreate similar images.
  2. Open your Prompt Library and play around with the words for your recreated prompt and SAVE those thoughts.
  3. Open Adobe Firefly and load the image that you want to recreate into the Structure option. If you don’t remember where this is, scroll to the bottom of the Look-a-like post.
  4. Now paste your prompt in and let it fly.
  5. Tweak as needed. You won’t get exactly the same image as before, but you should get a similar series of images.


The downloaded image for which I forgot to save my prompt looks like this.

college students working on a model of a bridge

Original image prompt (probably)

college students working on a model of a bridge on a drafting table in a classroom with a professor looking on

Goal: recreate the lost prompt to reflect students in a different program, for another article in that series. Upload the first, downloaded image in the Structure option in Firefly then begin playing around with your prompt.

Edited Prompt

create realistic image of college students working in an organic produce lab with a professor looking on, create motion blur with long exposure

Adobe Firefly created images of college students working in an organic produce lab

Note: The instructor might be rubbing his neck. It has been a long day for Adobe Firefly and now all its generated people images seem to include hallucinations – extra fingers, missing hands, etc. We are both calling it quits and heading to our respective down-time happy places. A future Prompt Library tip should be about NOT anthropomorphizing your generative AI tools.