Microsoft Copilot generated illustration of a man sitting in front of a computer at a window with 1960s-style flowers growing out of his imagination

Oxymoron Image Prompts

What happens if your prompt includes conflicting requests?

For this image, I had in mind a mod or ‘flower power’-style image from the 1960’s but I wanted to show an office worker sitting at a computer working on tasks. There were no personal computers in the 1960’s.

I don’t know exactly how the tokens in a prompt are juggled in the large language model driving Microsoft Copilot, but it did parse my request into elements of the 1960s and a current computer office scene. Continued fiddling around around with the art-style description resulted in results closer to what I had in mind.

Image Prompts

In Microsoft Copilot, try one or more of these:

Create a 1960s flower power abstract art image showing the profile of three students sitting at an office desk with a large computer screen and surrounded by piles of paper and art supplies, use natural lighting from the office window. It is a sunny day outside.

Microsoft Copilot generated illustration of three college students sitting in front of modern computers with a wall mural of 1960s flower power behind them

Create a 1960s flower power abstract art image showing the profile of an employee sitting at a desk at a large computer screen and surrounded by piles of paper and art supplies, use natural lighting from the office window. It is a sunny day outside. Display a checklist on the computer

Microsoft Copilot generated illustration of a man sitting in front of a computer at a window with a 1960s poster on the wall

Create a 1960s flower power abstract art image showing the profile of a college student sitting at a desk at a large computer screen with a famous coffee cup a their elbow and surrounded by piles of paper and art supplies, use natural lighting from the office window. It is a sunny day outside. Display a checklist on the computer. Arrange other college students and a professor looking over the sitting student's shoulder.

Microsoft Copilot generated illustration of a woman covered in 1960s-style flowers sitting in front of a computer drinking a cup of coffee

Create a simple 1960s cartoon style art image showing the profile of a college student sitting at a desk at a large computer screen with a famous coffee cup a their elbow and surrounded by piles of paper and art supplies, use natural lighting from the office window. It is a sunny day outside. Display a checklist on the computer. Arrange other college students and a professor looking over the sitting student's shoulder.

Microsoft Copilot generated illustration of a man sitting in front of a computer at a window with 1960s style flowers growing overhead


Prompt Fail

Same Microsoft Copilot window, similar prompt produces a text response rather than an image:

Create an abstract art image showing the profile of three students sitting at an office desk with a large computer screen and surrounded by piles of paper and art supplies, use natural lighting from the office window. It is a sunny day outside.

Resulting Conversation

Certainly! Let’s imagine a vibrant scene from the 1960s, where three students immerse themselves in creativity and technology. 🌼🎨🌞

Title: “Sunlit Studio”

In a sun-drenched room, the air is thick with inspiration. The walls are adorned with psychedelic posters, and the scent of incense hangs in the air. Our three protagonists—Eva, Alex, and Sam—sit huddled around an old wooden desk, their faces illuminated by the glow of a massive computer screen.

    1. Eva:
      • She wears round glasses and a tie-dye headband. Her fingers dance across the keyboard, lines of code flowing like poetry. Eva’s passion lies in merging art and technology.
      • The sunlight catches her wild curls, casting a warm halo around her face. She’s the visionary—the one who dreams of creating digital masterpieces.
    2. Alex:
      • Alex leans back in a creaky chair, a sketchbook balanced on their knees. Their fingers grip a rainbow-colored pencil, capturing fleeting moments on paper.
      • The computer screen reflects in their oversized glasses, blending pixels and ink. Alex is the bridge between the analog and the digital—a true flower child.
    3. Sam:
      • Sam, the rebel, sprawls on the floor, surrounded by stacks of paper. Their bell-bottom jeans are stained with paint, and their fingers bear the marks of countless brushstrokes.
      • The computer screen casts a cool glow on Sam’s face, contrasting with the warm sunlight. Sam’s art is raw, unfiltered—an explosion of colors and emotions.

The room itself is a kaleidoscope of chaos:

    • Piles of Paper: Sam’s canvases, half-finished poems, and discarded coffee cups.
    • Art Supplies: Jars of brushes, tubes of paint, and a vintage typewriter.
    • Computer Screen: It displays a mesmerizing fractal pattern—an algorithmic dance of shapes and colors.

Outside, the sun bathes the world in golden hues. Birds sing, and the distant hum of a guitar drifts through the open window. The flowers in the windowsill stretch toward the light, their petals echoing the students’ creativity.

And so, in this sunlit studio, they create. The boundaries blur—the analog merges with the digital, and the spirit of the ’60s dances alongside the promise of the future.

Note: This abstract art piece is a figment of our collective imagination, a tribute to the free-spirited souls who dared to blend art, technology, and sunshine. 🌸🌟🎨

Follow-up Prompt

Trying a variety of prompts continue resulting in the script rather than an image, but the second time I selected “Stop Responding” as the script was being generated, Copilot recognized it was not producing what I wanted and immediately flipped to image generation on that same prompt. Cool!

More image prompts to use and edit:

create an image of a college student in an office with a messy desk. the computer is half-hidden under piles of papers. Beside the desk is a bookcase with a vintage typewriter and battered books. There is also a whiteboard containing an outline of Homer's Odyssey. It is early twilight outside.

Microsoft Copilot generated illustration of a student sitting at a computer desk at night with books piled around him

create an image of a female college student in an office with a messy desk. the computer is half-hidden under piles of papers. Beside the desk is a bookcase with a vintage typewriter and battered books. There is also a whiteboard containing an outline of Homer’s Odyssey. It is early twilight outside. Add a cat to the image.
Microsoft Copilot generated illustration of a student sitting at a computer desk surrounded by an old typewriter and books
create an image of a female college student with a cat, a dog, and a snake in an office with a messy desk. the computer is half-hidden under piles of papers. Beside the desk is a bookcase with a vintage typewriter and battered books. There is also a poster advertising the book Animal Farm

Microsoft Copilot generated cartoon-style image of a girl holding a cat by a desk with two snakes and a dog on it.

Switching to Adobe Firefly for two more image prompts

create an image of a mixed group of college students talking animatedly while waiting in line at the campus coffee shop. Add classic rock band posters to the wall of the coffee shop and include pastries in the bakery display.

Adobe Firefly generated cartoon-style image of college students in a coffee shop

create a realistic image of a diverse group of college students talking animatedly over a table in the campus coffee shop. Add classic rock band posters to the wall of the coffee shop and include pastries in the bakery display. (also changed settings to landscape and photo)


Adobe Firefly generated photo-style image of college students in a coffee shop