Copilot produced image of a cartoon horse teaching a college class

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Several colleagues were working with me on a conference proposal when we all hit a wall after editing our description one too many times. I had just finished the second session in the EDUCAUSE Learning Lab ChatGPT in Higher Education course, and decided to try out a few things I’d learned: persona and the SCRIBE method for prompts.

Text prompt

Remember, this is my first attempt at editing content in ChatGPT.
You are a veteran presenter and an engaging speaker creating a 45-minute interactive presentation based on the following text. Read the full text, then rewrite it in 2000-2200 characters to be more interesting for an audience of experienced individual contributors in higher education IT project management and communication roles

ChatGPT: Ladies and gentlemen, in the dynamic world of higher education IT, where technology evolves at a dizzying pace, the role of the IT communicator is pivotal. Today, we’re diving into the realm where tech meets communication, where words and images are woven into captivating narratives to drive adoption and feedback…

Follow-up prompt #1

Please rewrite it as a description for the proposal rather than the actual presentation

ChatGPT: In this proposal, we outline an engaging and interactive session tailored for experienced individual contributors in higher education IT project management and communication roles. The focus is on the evolving landscape of IT communication within the academic sphere, where the rapid pace of technological change necessitates innovative approaches to disseminating information and fostering engagement…

Follow-up prompt #2

Now please try writing it as a news article in the style of USA Today

ChatGPT: Transformative AI Communication Workshop to Revolutionize Higher Education IT

In the fast-paced world of higher education technology, effective communication stands as the linchpin for success. With budgets tight and staffing limited, IT teams face a daunting challenge: How to convey complex information in a way that engages and informs stakeholders?

Enter the transformative power of generative AI.

In an innovative workshop tailored for seasoned individual contributors in higher education IT project management and communication roles, participants will embark on a journey of discovery. Hosted by industry experts, this interactive session promises to unravel the mysteries of AI and unlock its potential to revolutionize communication strategies.

Set against the backdrop of higher education’s evolving landscape, the workshop will dive deep into real-world scenarios, offering practical insights and actionable strategies for leveraging generative AI. From crafting compelling marketing campaigns to streamlining documentation processes, participants will learn how to harness the full power of AI to drive adoption and foster engagement.

But the workshop doesn’t stop there.

Participants will be challenged to identify their strengths and weaknesses in communication, learning how to strategically deploy AI tools to complement their skill sets. Through hands-on exercises and interactive activities, they’ll discover how AI can not only boost productivity but also enhance the quality of their output.

Moreover, the workshop will shed light on the role of AI in alleviating the burden of routine tasks, allowing human communicators to focus on more creative and strategic endeavors. By embracing AI as a collaborative partner, rather than a threat, participants will be equipped to navigate the ever-changing landscape of higher education IT with confidence and agility.

So, mark your calendars and get ready to embrace the future of IT communication. With generative AI as your ally, the possibilities are limitless. Don’t miss out on this transformative workshop – your journey to innovation starts here.

Better Follow-up Prompt

Rewrite the following description for a break-out session proposal. Give the description a 'hook' that will grab people's attention and make them want to come to our session

This suggestion is from Heather Brown, one of my instructors in the EDUCAUSE Learning Lab course on using ChatGPT in Higher Education.

Image prompt

The image is unrelated to the proposal. To create an image like this in Microsoft Copilot in Edge, try this prompt:

Create an image of an Appaloosa horse giving a college lecture

Copilot produced image of a cartoon horse teaching a college class