Microsoft Copilot generated image of a bucking rodeo horse, cropped close

Really Terrible Editing

For an event invitation going to a large list, I created some sample paragraphs but used the word “new” too many times. I decided to ask Microsoft Copilot/Bing to help me edit my paragraphs and also add a a bit of hospitality to the content.  The results were really terrible.

Now I realize I need to work on my my prompt engineering skills for editing content. Most of my initial efforts in generative AI have focused on prompt engineering to create content.

Text Prompt One

Using a text generator like Microsoft Copilot/Bing, try a prompt like this:

Please edit these paragraphs so that the word 'new' is not used more than once. The style should be conversational, almost chatty, to build a feeling of community. Content to edit: Soon after starting my new role at xUniversity a few months ago, it was clear that innovation and excellence are cornerstones for IT across xUniversity. From AI and beyond, we are teams that look for ways to support the evolving mission of xUniversity, ease workloads while improving outcomes, and connect with one another as a community. Emerging technologies like AI have long been a part of our research and scholarly work. Please join us in exploring how the new tools for Generative AI can play a role in helping xUniversity and IT meet our collective goals in new ways on September 30, 2024. Kicking off a new series of events where you can continue brainstorming with each other and our partners and customers in Houston and Austin, the first Evolving Tech Dialogue focuses on artificial intelligence in higher education. The free, full-day event takes place in the xUniversity ballroom and in Zoom and you are welcome to participate in all the events or just those that fit your existing commitments.


Certainly! Let’s give those paragraphs a friendly makeover. 😊

Title: Unleashing Creativity with Generative AI at xUniversity

Hey there, fellow xUniversity enthusiasts! 🎉

So, picture this: I recently stepped into my role at xUniversity, and guess what? The air here practically hums with innovation and excellence. It’s like the campus itself is whispering, “Hey, we’re all about pushing boundaries!” 🚀

From AI to other cutting-edge tech, we’re a bunch of curious minds who thrive on supporting xUniversity’s evolving mission. We’re all about making workloads lighter while cranking up the outcomes. And you know what? We’re not just colleagues; we’re a community. 🤝

Now, let’s talk about the shiny new star in our tech constellation: Generative AI! 🌟 It’s like having a creative wizard in your pocket. This magical technology learns from data and conjures up content that’ll make your jaw drop. Think of it as our secret sauce for innovation. 🧙‍♂️

And guess what? We’re hosting an event on September 30, 2024, where we’ll dive deep into Generative AI. 🗓️ It’s called the “Evolving Tech Dialogue,” and it’s all about artificial intelligence in higher education. The best part? It’s free! 🎟️

Join us in the xUniversity ballroom or hop onto Zoom—your choice! Let’s brainstorm, connect, and explore how Generative AI can help us achieve our collective goals. 🌐 Whether you’re a seasoned techie or just dipping your toes into the AI waters, you’re welcome to be part of this exciting journey. 🤗

Follow-up Prompt #1

I’ve been recommending to my colleagues, “Think of generative AI tools like a summer intern or a new hire. Give them projects, knowing you’ll have to check their work and likely edit it before using.” But they don’t respond to my conversations the same way a human would. Here’s the kind of thing I’d say to a summer intern:

Nice. Let's dial back the chattiness a bit. I know that is what I asked for, but I've changed my mind. Please channel the style of Texas Monthly Magazine and rewrite the invitation.


Certainly! Let’s give it a Texas Monthly Magazine flair. 🤠

Title: Unleashing Creativity with Generative AI at xUniversity

Howdy, xUniversity trailblazers! 🌵

Listen up, y’all! Ever since I saddled up for my gig at xUniversity a few moons back, I’ve been soaking in the Lone Star spirit of innovation and excellence. 🌟 It’s like our IT posse is ropin’ in ideas faster than a tumbleweed in a dust storm! 🤠

Now, let’s talk about the shiny new star in our tech corral: Generative AI. 🤖 This ain’t your run-of-the-mill code wranglin’, folks. It’s like having a digital bard who spins tales and crafts content with a flick of its virtual pen. 📜

Mark your calendars for September 30, 2024, ‘cause we’re rustlin’ up the “Evolving Tech Dialogue.” 🗓️ It’s a full-day hoedown right here at xUniversity, with a virtual twist on Zoom for our far-flung friends. 📺

We’ll be chattin’ about artificial intelligence in higher ed—how it can lasso better outcomes, ease our workloads, and maybe even teach our ol’ mascot a new trick or two. 🎓🤖

So whether you’re a seasoned wrangler or just hitched your wagon to the tech train, saddle up and join us! 🐎🤝

See y’all there, partner! 🌟🤠

Follow-up Prompt #2

Okay, that was really awful. I’m a native Houstonian and grew up speaking a middle-class patois of Texan learned in my blue collar refinery worker community. A lot of my childhood was spent in a saddle, riding around the 100 acres we rented and where my parents built barns and stalls to lease to other horse-mad city dwellers. The ‘cute’ language in this example would not be found outside a young child’s cowboy-themed birthday party invitation and I’d be embarrassed to even show it to the professionals I know who have written for Texas Monthly.

Once again, I’m replying as if the generative AI tool is a student worker or intern:

Hmmmm. We don't actually say 'Howdy' in Texas unless you are associated with Texas A&M University - a fine institution! Maybe more along the lines of the Dallas Morning Herald. Can you try again?


Certainly! Let’s give it a Dallas Morning Herald twist. 🌟

Title: Unleashing Creativity with Generative AI at xUniversity

Howdy, fellow thinkers and tinkerers! 🌆

Listen up, because this is hotter than a Texas summer: Ever since I stepped onto the xUniversity scene a few moons back, I’ve been soaking in the Lone Star spirit of innovation and excellence. 🌟 Our IT posse ain’t just wrangling code; we’re two-stepping with the future! 🤠

Now, let’s talk about the shiny new star in our tech constellation…

Follow-up Prompt

OK, forget Texas. Can you make this sound non-regional? Try a more generic "higher education in America" tone.


Certainly! Let’s give it a more neutral, “higher education in America” vibe. 🎓

Title: Unleashing Creativity with Generative AI at xUniversity

Greetings, fellow scholars and visionaries! 🌟

Picture this: I recently stepped into my role at xUniversity, and the air here crackles with innovation and excellence…

Lesson Learned

At this point, my experiment is over. I recognize that the continued low-effort instructions I’m providing cannot generate the kind of results that a well-considered prompt will yield. My original content was pretty good, so I replace two of the repetitive words with ‘innovate’ and ‘evolving’ and send off my message. And make a note to myself to practice my editing prompts in the future.

Image Prompt

create ultra realistic image of a buckskin rodeo horse with an empty saddle bucking with high energy with a fenced arena and rodeo clowns in the background and under sunny sky, create shallow depth of field and motion blur with long exposure

Microsoft Copilot generated image of a bucking rodeo horse