Copilot generated image of an oak tree and a sugar maple growing side by side

Find Commonalities

To create a news story for an event with two keynote speakers from different backgrounds, I asked ChatGPT for assistance in identifying what commonalities they shared.

Rather than copy and paste this content into an article, I will use it to inspire a sentence or paragraph in the final article. The paragraph about innovation advocacy is intriguing and I will follow both links to their individual writings and research pages to learn more before beginning to write my own story.

In addition to providing research for a news story, this type of prompt could be useful to a panel moderator for researching their speakers.

Text Prompt

Clay Shirky and Kavita Bala are both keynote speakers at a symposium about artificial education in higher education. What do they have in common?

Resulting Conversation

ChatGPT: Clay Shirky and Kavita Bala, despite coming from different backgrounds and areas of expertise, share several commonalities:

1. Expertise in Technology and Education: Both individuals have expertise in the intersection of technology and education. Clay Shirky is known for his work on the social and economic effects of internet technologies, while Kavita Bala’s research interests include computer graphics, computer vision, and computational design.

2. Leadership Roles: They both hold leadership positions in prestigious academic institutions. Clay Shirky is a Distinguished Writer in Residence at the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute at New York University, and Kavita Bala is the Dean of Cornell University’s Faculty of Computing and Information Science.

3. Innovation Advocates: Both Shirky and Bala are known for advocating innovation in education. They likely share a vision for the role of technology in shaping the future of higher education, emphasizing concepts such as online learning, digital literacy, and leveraging technology to enhance educational outcomes.

4. Public Speaking: As keynote speakers at the symposium, they share a skill for public speaking and engaging audiences. Their ability to communicate complex ideas effectively is likely one reason they were chosen for these roles.

5. Research and Scholarship: Both individuals have made significant contributions to their respective fields through research and scholarship. Their work has likely influenced the discourse on technology’s impact on education and vice versa.

In summary, Clay Shirky and Kavita Bala are both distinguished figures in academia, with expertise in technology and education, leadership roles, advocacy for innovation, public speaking abilities, and contributions to research and scholarship. These commonalities likely make them well-suited keynote speakers for a symposium on artificial education in higher education.

Follow-up Prompt

can you provide links supporting your findings?

ChatGPT: Certainly! Here are links supporting the commonalities mentioned:

2. Leadership Roles:
– Clay Shirky’s profile at New York University’s Office of the Provost: Clay Shirky – NYU Provost
– Kavita Bala’s profile at Cornell University’s College of Engineering: Kavita Bala – Cornell Engineering

3. Innovation Advocates:
– Clay Shirky’s writings and talks often address innovation and technology’s impact on society. You can find his articles and talks on his website: Clay Shirky – Articles & Talks
– Kavita Bala’s research interests often involve innovative technologies and their applications. You can explore her research publications on Google Scholar: Kavita Bala – Google Scholar

4. Public Speaking:
– Clay Shirky’s speaking engagements are often documented on various platforms. You can find some of his talks on YouTube: Clay Shirky – YouTube
– Kavita Bala’s presentations and talks may also be available online. You can search for recordings or transcripts of her talks on platforms like YouTube or Cornell University’s official channels.

5. Research and Scholarship:
– Clay Shirky’s research and publications are listed on his website: Clay Shirky – Publications
– Kavita Bala’s research publications can be found on platforms like Google Scholar or Cornell University’s academic repository.

These links provide additional information and context supporting the commonalities between Clay Shirky and Kavita Bala as mentioned earlier.

Image Prompt

Create an ultrarealistic image of of an oak tree and a sugar maple growing side by side; fill the frame with the two trees and their branches, do not show the top of the trees; it is a soft autum afternoon and the maple leaves are changing color while the oak leaves remain green. and light is filtering through the tops of the leaves, softly illuminating the leaf strewn ground below. create shallow depth of field and motion blur with long exposure

Copilot generated image of an oak tree and a sugar maple growing side by side