We have a 30 day trial to CINDAS Thermophysical Properties of Matter (Center for Information and Numerical Data Analysis and Synthesis), a database of materials properties data. Let me know if you find it useful or if you find this data elsewhere. I can include your comments in my wish list of items (pending future funding).
Our trial to CINDAS consists of several products, Aerospace Structural Metals Database (ASMD), Aerospace and High Performance Data Systems (AHAD, and Thermophysical Properties of Matter Database (TPMD).
If you find use other resources than CINDAS, such as CRC Handbook of Chemistry & Physics, Knovel, NIST, MatNavi, Mattweb, Thermodex, etc., let me know that too.
Directions –
Direct link https://proxy.library.cornell.edu/login?url=https://cindasdata.com
Click on login button on the top right.
Choose one of the 3 products we’re testing. AHAD, ASMD, TPMD.
Select items from the 3 drop-down menu. Click show graph.
thanks, Jill Powell, Engineering Librarian, jhp1@cornell.edu