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Engineering Library

Clark Physical Sciences Library – July update

It has been a busy month at the Clark Physical Sciences Library. The
Transition Team of faculty, students, and library staff has completed
its report of recommendations, now under review by the University
Librarian and Vice Provost for Research. The recommendations cover
increasing online resources, distribution of the hard copy collections,
proposal for study space, enhancement of the library website and
promotion of library services.

The shift of bound journals to the Annex is almost complete, finishing
up by the end of July. We also recently received a new bequest to the
library which has allowed us to purchase almost 200 additional online
back files of journals, including those listed below. Another 200 back files will be coming online in the next
month. Links to the back files currently available to Cornell are
included in the CU Library eJournals list
( and the library catalog
( Articles from journals at the Annex
that are not online can be requested through the Annex article scan
service at no charge: Unbound issues
will continue to be available in the Clark Library Reading Room through
December, after which time most subscriptions will become electronic
based. Books will also be remaining through the fall and the book
stacks are being consolidated for easier access.

The library website has migrated to a new platform and is now located
This site is very similar to the previous site and will be in place
through December 2009. Behind the scenes we are developing an enhanced
website based on recommendations of the Library Transition Team,
including new book alerts, browsing ebooks by call number, browsing
resources by subject, browsing classic books by title and author, online
orientation guides, locating print physical sciences materials, links to
online PhD theses and abstracts, better marketing of the website, RSS
feeds for new articles in any relevant subject and assistance in adding
links to articles from personal pages. The new site will be available
for the departments to review later this fall and launched in January as
the primary access point for library resources in the physical sciences.

Many thanks to your colleagues on the Transition Team for their input
and guidance on this process. If you have questions or comments about
the library transition, please don’t hesitate to contact me at or 5-1361.

Leah Solla
Coordinator, Physical Sciences Library

Select list of journals with back issues newly available online:

Advances in colloid and interface science
Analytica chimica acta
Chemical physics
Chemical physics letters
Computers & chemistry
Coordination chemistry reviews
Electrochimica acta
European polymer journal
Fluid phase equilibria
Inorganica chimica acta
Journal of alloys and compounds
Journal of catalysis
Journal of chromatography. A
Journal of colloid and interface science
Journal of crystal growth
Journal of electroanalytical chemistry
Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials
Journal of molecular catalysis. A, Chemical
Journal of molecular graphics & modeling
Journal of molecular spectroscopy
Journal of molecular structure (see Theochem)
Journal of non-crystalline solids
Journal of organometallic chemistry
Journal of physics and chemistry of solids
Journal of solid state chemistry
Materials chemistry and physics
Materials research bulletin
Progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Progress in polymer science
Progress in solid state chemistry
Solid state communications
Solid state ionics
Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy
Spectrochimica acta. Part B: Atomic spectroscopy
Synthetic metals
Talanta; An international journal of analytical chemistry
Theochem: Journal of molecular structure
Thin solid films

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