The library has a trial set up to preview a new web version of the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD). This trial runs until January 10, 2009 and is set up for the following core IP ranges.
Please let me know what you think of this web version of the CSD and if a site license through the library would be supportive of your research. This license would also include a set of CDs for anyone wishing to install the client version or a discount on purchase of individual CD sets.
The CSD records bibliographic, chemical and crystallographic information for organic molecules and metal-organic compounds whose 3D structures have been determined using X-ray diffraction or neutron diffraction. The new web version can be searched by bibliographic information, compound name, substructure, similarity or reduced cell dimension. The CSD is published by the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, a non-profit company historically affiliated with Cambridge University.
-Leah Solla, Chemistry Librarian,