April 2008
Q. Is there a database of PhD theses?
A. The library subscribes to a database called Proquest Dissertations and Theses (available here: http://resolver.library.cornell.edu/misc/5799613) that provides the full text of recent (from 1996 to the present) theses and dissertations, with abstracts available from 1981 to the present. To search for theses published before 1981, use Dissertation Abstracts: http://resolver.library.cornell.edu/misc/3044695. Dissertations not owned by the CU Library can be requested from interlibrary loan: https://cornell.hosts.atlas-sys.com/illiad/illiad.dll.
You may also find the following web guides helpful:
For locating Theses and Dissertations in the Engineering Library: http://astech.library.cornell.edu/ast/engr/find/Theses-and-Dissertations.cfm
General information: http://www.library.cornell.edu/t/help/res_strategy/finding/dissertations.html