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Cornell University

Preparing Future Faculty to Assess Student Learning

A cross-campus collaboration from 2012-2015

Services for Faculty

Engaging Students in STEM Education

The U.S. STEM education pipeline is often discussed as a leaky delivery system that loses many promising students along the way to graduating highly qualified professionals and future academics.

At Cornell, we’re looking for innovative ways to improve learning outcomes and retention in undergraduate STEM classes. One such initiative involves you and your teaching assistants. By bringing your TAs into the process, you’ll not only enhance active learning and assessment in your own classes; you’ll also be priming the pump for innovative STEM teaching in the years to come, as these future educators forge careers in a variety of academic settings.

STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

Engaging Students in the Humanities

While pundits and policy makers debate the purpose of a humanities education, the need of a complex society for members who can think critically, exercise sound judgment, discern and interpret complexity, and understand context has never been greater.

The good news is that effective, innovative practices in teaching both seminars and large lectures in the humanities are being developed at Cornell and elsewhere. And the most passionate disseminators of these new ideas could be your own graduate students. With two-thirds of Freshman Writing Seminars taught by grad students, your department’s own laboratory of learning is ready for your mentorship.

Customized Workshops for Your TAs

Tell us what you’re looking for and we’ll work with you to create targeted workshops for you and your TAs that address your specific course content and teaching goals.

Sample Workshop Agendas

Click on the titles of assessment workshops we’ve run for STEM graduate students and postdocs for more information.

Still have questions? Don’t see what you’re looking for? For more information on how to design a custom workshop for your TAs, contact: