The pages below contain photographs of common apple diseases and links to relevant extension publications from the past 15 years. Development of these pages is still in progress. Articles have not been updated since the time that they were written unless they contain a subhead indicating a more recent revision.
Rust Diseases: Information, photos, and links to articles (Updated 2 May 2016)
- Cedar apple rust on cedar
- Quince rust with aecia
- Aecia of pear trellis rust
Apple Scab: Information, photos, and links to articles (Updated 28 Dec. 2017)
Powdery Mildew: Information, photos, and links to articles
Fire Blight: Information, photos, and links to articles (Updated 28 Dec. 2017)
Canker Diseases: Information, photos, and links to articles (Updated 28 Dec. 2017)
Summer Diseases: Information on sooty blotch, flyspeck, black rot, and white rot
Bitter rot: Information, photos, and links to articles (Updated 27 December 2018)
- Bitter rot on Macs showing orange sporulation
- Bitter rot showing V-shaped decay
- Severe bitter rot on Honeycrisp
Lightning damage: Updated 24 June 2017
- Fig. 1. An old lightning strike that led to wood decay on one side of tree.
- Cankers that developed where lightning killed the bark during the previous growing season
- Fig. 3b. Pelletized pith in a shoot recently killed by lightning
(Last updated 28 Dec. 2017)