Background and Purpose

The the specific objectives for this website were/are to provide the following:

  • Comments about seasonal events that relate to tree fruit diseases and their control in the mid-Hudson Valley based on observations from orchards at the Hudson Valley Lab in Highland, NY or from nearby commercial orchards prior to my retirement in 2014 along with more recent updates related to very unique situations that may contribute to disease epidemics in tree fruits.
    NOTE: Those wishing to receive e-mail alerts when I post updates on the blog-page should enter their e-mail addresses and hit the “subscribe” button shown on the right side of this page. You can unsubscribe just as easily if the posts prove bothersome.
  • An organized collection of relevant extension publications and photographs from my archives that may be useful to fruit growers and other extension professionals interested in management of tree fruit diseases. (go).
  • An archive of plant pathology field research reports (go) and weather data (go) from the Hudson Valley Lab that covers the period from 1974 to 2013.
  • Other items concerning the history of the Hudson Valley Lab (go).

Extension information on apple diseases has been organized under the “Apple Diseases” page of this website with the objective of providing background information on the most common diseases and disease-related problems confronted by apple growers in New York State. Links to relevant publications show the date that the articles were written or last revised, so readers should be aware that some information may be outdated, especially where articles refer to specific chemical control strategies.  Always read current product labels before applying any agrichemical products. Many current product labels can be accessed quickly via the CDMS website (go), and products labeled for use in New York State can be accessed at the NYSPAD website (go).

Links of interest:

Scaffolds Fruit Journal
New York Fruit Quarterly
Entomology at the Hudson Valley Lab (Jentsch lab web page)
Website for the Hudson Valley Research Lab (now FARM)
Plant pathology at the Hudson Valley Lab (Acimovic web page)
Eastern New York Commercial Horticulture Fruit pages
University of Massachusetts “Healthy Fruit” newsletter
Rutgers Cooperative Extension Plant and Pest Advisory

Acknowledgements: Funding to create this website was provided via an internal competitive grant for Hatch and Smith-Lever dollars provided to Cornell Cooperative Extension and the N.Y. State Agricultural Research Station at Geneva by USDA/NIFA.  Appreciation is expressed to Jane Kostina who provided the initial design for the website and uploaded many documents.

Last updated 25 January 2024

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