A little more clarification – hopefully not too confusing 4.1.20

Executive Order 202.8 requires businesses to reduce the number of employees at individual locations by 100% for non-essential businesses.


The information we received says that if you sell food-producing plants, you are considered an essential business.


An essential business is not required to comply with the executive order to reduce employees working at individual locations by 100%.  They are still required to follow social distancing and sanitation practices in order to keep employees apart and apart from customers and to prevent the spread of the virus.


The employees allowed to work must be needed to provide the products and services that are essential to provide the essential products or services.


We had the clarification that hort businesses can keep current stock alive so you can have employees doing that.


Everything I have read relates to designation as an essential business and employment – not what may be sold or how it may be sold.


If we get information on either, I will send it along.


Please remember the webinar on Friday April 3 at 2:00 where we will discuss marketing ideas  The link is https://cornell.zoom.us/j/512811331