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Cornell University

Public Health News

Sustainability. Equity. Engagement.


October 5, 2022

In 2022, Cornell and Weill Cornell Medicine announced the new Cornell Center for Pandemic Prevention and Response (CCPPR) Addressing something as far-reaching as a pandemic requires close collaboration across historically siloed disciplines, and Cornell’s strengths...

September 27, 2022

The Pandemic Response Officer (PRO) Program was first launched in 2020 by Cornell’s COVID-19 Response Team Co-led by the MPH Program’s associate director, Dr Gen Meredith, the campus-wide initiative set out to limit transmission and ensure that any Cornellian with...

September 26, 2022

A nonprofit and researchers from Boston University and Cornell University will study the landscape of homelessness public policy and its consequences   Numerous government agencies at all levels make public policies that are influential to the well-being of...

September 20, 2022

At once the blink of an eye and a long enough time for the whole world to change, we have just completed our first five years of instruction On this anniversary, let’s review what we’ve accomplished and where we’re going Where We Started Our Master of...

June 24, 2022

The landmark Supreme Court decision, Roe vs Wade in 1973, established the constitutional right to abortion while simultaneously providing states with regulatory power over access to reproductive health services (Gaj et al 2021) Around the world through the end of the...

June 17, 2022

Dr Amie Patchen has been teaching for over 16 years After receiving her PhD in Curriculum and Instruction from Boston College, she joined the Cornell MPH Program as a postdoctoral associate, where she currently teaches One Health and Public Health Foundations I for...

April 7, 2022

Lara Parrilla, MPH, RD, was first exposed to the field of public health through an undergraduate internship with Cornell University Cooperative Extension in NYC “It was through this experience that I developed an understanding of and respect for the importance...

April 1, 2022

MPH students, Seb Loonen and Avni Patel, met with staff members in Representative Sean Casten’s office to talk about their Applied Practice Experience (APE) projects, and the impact of federal funding—particularly the 2021 Research Investment to Spark the...

March 29, 2022

In partnership with Dr Onyinye Balogun in Radiation Oncology at Weill Cornell Medicine, Dr Amelia Greiner Safi (Public and Ecosystem Health), MPH students Jennifer Gil and Nyaradzo Sirewu, and Global Health student Hannah Lee have launched their nation-wide study...

March 22, 2022

Graduate Students in Public Health (GraPH) is a new organization founded by first-year MPH students to help fellow Cornell students build careers in public health and healthcare industries The organization was founded with the goal of fostering interdisciplinary...

March 14, 2022

Dr Michelle Falkenbach, along with international colleagues, recently published a paper in the International Journal of Health Planning and Management that asks the question "Are health systems and their health workforce resilient in the face of the COVID-19...

March 11, 2022

Dr Karla Hanson began her career in public health as director of planning and development at a federally qualified primary care health center This experience led her to pursue graduate school in health policy at the Wagner School of Public Service at NYU, where she...