Tuesday morning pest management topics will include the usual herbicide, insecticide and fungicide efficacy and timing trial result talks given by Janet van Zoeren, Dr. Kerik Cox and Dr. Monique Rivera. This year we will also provide an emphasis on adapting your management program to incorporate biopesticides and other new integrated pest management techniques, both as Aleah Butler-Jones. We will have a guest speaker, Dr. Brett Blaauw from University of Georgia and Clemson University, who will be discussing stink bug management. His talk will include the most recent advancements in stink bug pest management to effectively protect our crops, while also supporting our beneficial insects. In total, 1.75 DEC recertification credits will be available for attending both pest management sessions.
Tuesday we will begin the afternoon with a conversation about the ‘Grower’s Perspective on Farm Management’. How do you learn about a new tool, technique or variety? Talk to a grower who’s using it. The session 3 program will provide helpful information and advice on farm management from experienced growers. Presentations will include the following:
• Using Hectare Orchard Management Software on Bittner-Singer Farm. Hectare is an orchard management and fruit quality software product originally developed in New Zealand. In this presentation, David Bittner will describe Hectare software, why he prefers it over alternatives, and how he uses the product on his farm.
• Customer Preferences at Schutt’s Apple Mill. Being customer-focused drives revenue growth, helps companies identify areas for improvement, and be more innovative, adapting to changing market preferences and needs. But wholesale fruit growers may have few opportunities to talk directly with consumers. As owner of a farm with direct-to-consumer sales, Evan Schutt, owner of Schutt’s Apple Mill, interacts with customers daily. In this presentation, Evan will describe the preferences and concerns of fruit buyers, and
how he uses this information on his farm.
Tuesday afternoon for Session 4 (3-5pm) will discuss ‘Building Soils for Better Orchards’.
• Welcome/introduction – Mario Miranda Sazo, CCE LOF
• Root architecture and function of apple roots – Professor Emeritus Dr. David Eissenstat, Penn State
• Managing soils: How to measure, manage, and maintain soil fertility – TBA.
• Soil health in New York State Orchards – Dr. Deborah Aller, Cornell
• Questions & Answers
We will begin Wednesday with marketing updates from Cynthia Haskins at NYAA. Other talks will include Dr.
Yosef Al Shoffe from the Watkins lab presenting on their Gala storage work, and Dr. Brian Lawrence from the
Robinson lab at AgriTech, presenting on their color improvement work on Premier Honeycrisp.
Finally, we will round out the conference on Wednesday morning with a session on ‘Harnessing the power of
digital technologies’.
• Welcome/introduction – Mario Miranda Sazo, CCE LOF
• Why it has been so difficult to adopt digital ag-technologies – Mario Miranda Sazo, CCE LOF
• Accuracy of two precision sprayers for single-tree application – Dr. Brian Lawrence, Cornell U.
• Options for growers considering current GPS accuracy limitations – Dr. Yu Jiang, Cornell U.
• Precision irrigation – Dr. Terence Robinson, Cornell U.
• New advances on precision crop load management – Dr. Terence Robinson, Cornell U.
• Questions & Answers
• Adjourn, invite to get lunch box, and final remarks – Craig Kahlke, CCE LOF