Map of Volunteer Opportunities

Not sure where to get those volunteer hours? Here are some organizations and places that Master Naturalists have volunteered in the past or are currently.

  • This is only a subset of the many volunteer opportunities in New York.  For a more thorough list, see our Volunteer Opportunities Page  or our Volunteer Opportunities Booklet
  • If you want to add a volunteer location on the map, see directions below.
  • Key: Cornell Cooperative Extension County Associations (Red), Land trusts (Green), All other opportunities (Blue)

How to add new volunteer locations:

Please only add places relevant to Master Naturalists for VOLUNTEER or EDUCATIONAL purposes.  Please respect this resource.  You can also email us about adding locations to the map.  Our focus is providing volunteer opportunities in New York state, but if you have opportunities in neighboring states that you are really excited about, you may add these to the map.

Feel free to add comments about your personal experience volunteering at this place.

Note it may take a while for the map to update with your newly added information

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