Featured Master Naturalist: Jen Ford

We have so many great Master Naturalists across the state of New York doing important and valuable work!  We try to feature a NY Master Naturalist each month to highlight this great work and provide some ideas of how you can fulfill your volunteer and training hours! Keep scrolling on this page to see more Featured Master Naturalists.

Master Naturalist: Jen Ford

Master Naturalist ‘16 – 164 volunteer hours, 81 training hours!

Jen Ford is an active volunteer from Albany, NY. She joined the Master Naturalist
program because it was a great way to learn more about the natural world and give back to her
community. The highlight of her time with the program has been interacting with Master
Naturalist instructors and other Master Naturalists when participating in trainings and volunteer
weekends we have hosted.

Jen is lucky enough to live right by the Albany Pine Bush Preserve, and this is where the
majority of her volunteer efforts takes place. She was able to complete a training there to
become a Volunteer Naturalist for the Preserve. She loves interacting with visitors to the Pine
Bush and sharing information about this unique ecosystem with them. She has even been able
to show some visitors an endangered karner blue butterfly – something new to them!

Jen also coordinates a Bald Eagle Nest Watch with the Audubon Society of the Capital
Region. She finds it fascinating to track the different bald eagle nests around the area, and
document their success with raising young. She shares the information she collects with the
NYSDEC. Jen enjoys being part of a citizen science project that helps provide information on
the recovery of bald eagles in her area.


Congratulations again to Jen Ford! Thank you for continuing to share your knowledge and love
for your local area with those around you.

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