NYCAMH (the New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health) is seeking farm employees to respond to a survey about how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting them. The results of the survey will help NYCAMH to develop useful resources and programs for farmers and farm employees. NYCAMH is a well-respected organization that has worked closely with our team to provide the farm safety training resources that many of you are familiar with.
The survey is voluntary and responses are confidential (no contact information will be requested in the survey). For more information, contact Nicole Blanchard at 607.422.7527 or farmworkercovidsurvey@bassett.
You can help NYCAMH by sharing the following survey link with your workers:
Please use this link to take the survey in English –
Haga clic aquí para tomar la encuesta en español:
Bilingual survey announcement: survey bilingual incentive