Update: H5N1 in Dairy Cattle. July 24, 2024

As we all know, the H5N1 outbreak in dairy cattle is an evolving situation.  Here is a summary of important updates from the past week:


Confirmed Cases

# of States

Last 30 days



(Colorado, Iowa, Idaho, Michigan, Minnesota, Texas)

Total outbreak



* Interactive map showing the status of all states.

The majority of the newly affected herds in the last week were in the state of Colorado.  Colorado has been struggling to control the spread of H5N1 in dairy herds for the past three months and currently has more affected herds reported than any other state at 47 confirmed detections.  Due to this, the Colorado Department of Agriculture announced on Monday July 22nd that they would be implementing mandatory statewide surveillance for all licensed commercial cow dairies.  The surveillance is weekly bulk tank milk samples from all dairies NOT already under quarantine for H5N1.  The samples are to be taken and submitted by a Colorado Department of Public Health official and a non-negative test result will require facility quarantine.

Dr. Maggie Baldwin, Colorado State Veterinarian, said, “we have seen devastating impacts of this disease not only to our dairy industry, but our poultry industry as well.”  Colorado has seen two confirmed spillover events of the disease going from dairy to commercial poultry flocks resulting in the death or depopulation of 3.2 million domestic chickens in July alone.

Although Colorado has some unique challenges that we do not face in NY, such as dry lot dairies with significant outdoor access, it is important for us to learn from the experience of other states.  Please continue to remain vigilant and stay in open communication with your veterinarian and employees regarding any suspected cases on your dairy.

Going to fair?  Please review HPAI Fair Regulations for lactating dairy cattle.

For questions regarding testing for H5N1, visit PRO-DAIRY’s Herd Health page.  As always discuss with your veterinarian in advance.

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