There has been a lot of discussion lately around the Farm Laborers Fair Labor Practices Act (FLFLPA), which went into effect January 1, 2020, surrounding the changes to overtime regulations. This is just a quick reminder that as part of the FLFLPA, farm workers also gained the right to organize or unionize. We have heard of an increase in union activity in our region of NWNY and therefore want to make sure that all farm owners and managers are aware of the resources available to them. It is essential that we all understand what is allowed, legally, to be said in discussions with our employees regarding unions. Please take a moment to read some of the information at the links below and consider educating your employees also.
Ag Workforce Development has an overview presentation by Richard Stup as well as a Guide to Collective Bargaining Rights and Responsibilities by the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB).
Farm Bureau also has some excellent resources including: Webinar: Collective Bargaining Rights on Farms, and Talking Points for Farmers on Unions.