The 2020 New York Hybrid Corn Grain Performance Trials Results are Now Available.
This report includes a summary of our 2020 commercial hybrid corn grain trials. It shows results from four locations in New York, divided into the following two maturity ranges:
Base 50 Growing Degree Days Relative Maturity
Early/Medium-early 1900-2300 GDD 75-95 Days
Medium 2300-2700 GDD 95-115 Days
This report is designed to aid seed company representatives, corn growers, and extension educators in evaluating hybrids for yield capacity, stalk and root strength, and maturity in various regions in New York. It also provides information for developing ratings for the Cornell Guide for Integrated Field Crop Management.
While many hybrids included in this report are widely grown, others are new or experimental hybrids. In considering these tables, remember that this data represents only one year. Test results should be considered over several years before final conclusions are valid. Results gathered over several locations are a better guide than results at any one location.
To view the report online visit:
For information on entering hybrids in the 2021 trials, please contact Sherrie Norman at or 607-255-1322 or Margaret Smith at or 607-255-1654.