Graduate Admissions and Policy Committee Description and Member Expectations

Graduate Admissions and Policy Committee Description and Member Expectations – Field of Natural Resources and the Environment  (updated February 2013)

Graduate Admissions and Policy Committee

The purpose of the Graduate Admission and Policy Committee is to provide general direction and advisement to the Graduate Field of Natural Resources and the Environment (GFNRE). The primary responsibilities include providing recommendations on admissions decisions and adapting existing policies or developing new policies to guide the graduate field. The committee is comprised of three members of the GFNRE along with the Director of Graduate Studies. In terms of committee composition, there is a desired balance among members of the major research areas of GFNRE (social, ecological). Committee member terms are staggered such that all members are not selected at the same time. Proposed members should submit a letter indicating their interest in contributing to the graduate program and their ability to fulfill the committee member expectations below. Nominations are voted on by the graduate faculty and subsequently approved by the Director of Graduate Studies and the Chair of the Dept. of Natural Resources and the Environment.

A graduate student serves on the committee and participates in policy discussions only (not discussion of candidates for admission). The graduate student member is nominated by the field Graduate Student Association and approved by the DGS.

Graduate Admissions and Policy Committee and Committee Member Expectations

• Members should:
1) have productive research, teaching, and/or outreach programs as evidenced by
external funding, publications and presentations, and impact in field of specialty.
2) advise graduate students and/or teach graduate courses.
3) be members of the GFNRE.
4) participate in GFNRE faculty meetings (1-2 per year).
5) attend admissions committee meetings (5-7 per academic year).
6) participate actively in the graduate program (GSA symposium, social events,
mentoring, etc.).
7) review graduate applications and provide substantive feedback to faculty proposing
candidates (this includes an assessment of the applicant’s strengths as well as any
weaknesses along with suggestions for addressing any weaknesses in the applicant).
8) contribute to improving the GFNRE policies and program.
9) be willing to serve a 3-year term with option to renew.