CFAP Information for Specialty Crops – By Elizabeth Higgins

COVID Specialty Crops

See the above attached article for more information on the potential payments for specialty crops.

This program provides a cash payment to farms. The program is based on sales of product between January 15 and April 15.  It is NOT limited to farms who suffered personal losses. Payments are based on losses or price reductions at the national level. CFAP payments could be very helpful to NYS farms that are experiencing higher costs due to COVID-19 protection measures or who suffered financial losses this spring.

Based on the numbers, there are lots of farms in NYS that are eligible for this program, but who have not applied.

More information about the CFAP program can also be found on USDA’s website The key message is that the CFAP program is very accessible to eligible farms, the payments are a grant not a loan and are based on what crops or livestock you had for sale (or in inventory) between January 15 and April 15 2020.