Alumni 2020

Meet some of the talented students who have been involved in this program over the years.  Based on informal surveys, approximately 41% of the former participants in this program go on to teach in classes, become involved in other informal education programs, museum studies, join other science outreach programs, start their own outreach program, start educational programs or camps, or other otherwise become involved in other aspects of science education.  This is a training opportunity for STEM teachers of the future!


Isabelle Amlicke |


My name is Isabelle Amlicke and I’m a senior studying Plant Sciences with a minor in Environment and Sustainability. I have always been fascinated by nature – especially by plants – and grew up exploring the temperate broadleaf forests and marine ecosystems in my hometown, Westport, CT. In middle school, I apprenticed at a local sustainable farm where I became passionate about sustainability and agriculture. I’m currently focusing on controlled environment agriculture at Cornell and hope to spend my career fostering local food systems and contributing to the fight against climate change.




Sabrina Celis |



My name is Sabrina and I am a senior at Cornell majoring in entomology and minoring in horticulture with a focus in botanical arts. For me, nature has always been a source of joy, beauty, and wonder. My main interest lies in insects and related arthropods, especially in their diverse ecological roles and how they interact with other organisms. Currently, I am working in Dr. Rayor’s social spider behavior lab and in the Whitmore lab with the invasive forestry pest, hemlock woolly adelgid.




Brandon George |


My name is Brandon George, I am originally from Reading, Pennsylvania. I am a masters student studying Public Horticulture Leadership. I am very much interested in the intersection point between horticulture and ecology and look forward to presenting topics on things such as how trees communicate, and the science behind fragrance in plants, etc. My goal is to work in education and interpretation within a public garden upon completing my program.






Oliver Goland |



I’m a junior studying environmental sciences. I grew up in the beautiful Hudson Valley, exploring the trails of the local parks with my family and friends. I continue to enjoy being outdoors and hope to one day be on the front lines of environmental protection as a conservation officer.






Nadya Kandel |



My name is Nadya Kandel and I am an entomology major mining in education. I like nature and particularly ecology because there is so much to learn about the world and there are insects that interact with nearly everything! At Cornell, I’ve done a lot of things like photograph moths, identity invasive flies, study plant viruses, and teach an entomology summer course. Currently, I am modeling how ladybugs will respond to climate change.





Anna Kieffer |



Hi, my name is Anna Kieffer and I am studying marine biology! I was born and raised in Japan and spent most of my life there until I moved to the US in high school. I spent a summer on an island in the Gulf of Maine where I studied sharks, took classes on boats and went fishing a lot. I am planning on studying marine conservation in the future and working to save the world.





Elizabeth Klosky |



My name is Elizabeth Klosky, I am a senior studying biological sciences and I live in the Hudson Valley when I am not attending classes on Cornell campus. Some of my main topics of study are ecology and ornithology, and, more recently, scientific communication! I also greatly enjoy nature photography and hope my career will lead me to work either in a science or nature magazine. Alternatively, I’ll seek out a graduate program to help me enter the world of filming and producing nature documentaries!





Sammy Merrill |


Hi, my name is Sammy Merrill. I am a senior Interdisciplinary Studies major in CALS focusing on Agricultural Education and minoring in horticulture and education. I am the fourth generation on my family’s dairy farm in the seacoast area of New Hampshire and hope to one day return and start a teaching farm. Growing up on a farm close to the ocean, I have always been fascinated by estuarine habitats and the unique birds and wildlife that live there.




AJ Morrissette |



I grew up in Northwestern, Massachusetts where I currently am. I’ve worked for a number of nonprofits with lenses ranging from equine-assisted psychotherapy to cross-cultural education in Haiti to urban gardening in Washington, DC. Along with my background in agriculture, I’ve felt driven to involve in improving the state of public health and health management globally. At heart, I’m an Animal Science major, so naturally, my picture was taken with my friend Libby.





Colden Proe |


Colden grew up in the heart of the Finger Lakes, where he was always awed by the beauty of our natural resources and agricultural bounty. He decided to study viticulture & enology at Cornell to be part of the burgeoning wine industry in New York State, centered in the Finger Lakes. He now hopes to use his education in sustainable agriculture to help promote new standard practices that can improve the sustainability, profitability, and equitability of farming in his home region and beyond.




Emma Prostko |


Hi everyone! My name is Emma Prostko and I am currently a senior studying Environmental and Sustainability Sciences at Cornell. I’m from Boulder, Colorado and have always been very passionate about biology and ecology! Growing up next to the mountains encouraged me to spend most of my time in the outdoors where I developed my love for nature and environmental science. Along with this, my passion resides deeply in food security and local food systems, and so I always seem to find myself working on farms and developing sustainable agricultural practices. I love teaching and encouraging others to explore biology so that they can discover their own passions within the subject as I did!




Chelsea Russ |



I grew up on a small farm in central Pennsylvania and worked with horses from a young age. I spent most of my life outdoors in the forests and streams which planted the seed for my love of nature. I joined the Navy in 2011 and have been on two deployments to the middle east. Being out on the ocean made me fascinated by water resources issues around the world. I hope to devote my career to be a part of solving the many pressing water issues we are experiencing or are about to emerge as the population continues to grow worldwide.





Matthew Schiffer |



At Cornell University, my major is biological sciences with a concentration in Biodiversity and Systematics. I’ve always been fascinated by the evolutionary history of animals and aspired to become a biologist. My drive to give others an appreciation of nature stems from educating my little sister about the animal kingdom. Seeing her enthusiasm has made me realize that I could inspire others through teaching as well.






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