Embarking on a community project has been an exhilarating and enlightening journey. One particular concept that intrigued me was exploring the influences on teenagers’ behaviors – that is, what different factors shape their decisions.
It has been really interesting to think about the dynamics of adolescence and the different motivations and influences on their decision making and behavior – like their inclination to heed parental advice and their desire to fit in with peers. Thus, thinking about ways of asking questions to community members to gain insight into these aspects has been captivating.
One of the skills that I have gained from this experience is learning how to stay organized when working with a team and coordinating multiple parts of a community project. I look forward to understanding how the different influences on adolescents’ behaviors impact their decision-making regarding behaviors like flu and COVID-19 vaccination, among others, that may have connections to potential misinformation. As we move forward with this project, I look forward to shedding light on the complexities surrounding adolescent choices in the real world concerning misinformation.