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- February 17th (The Libyan Youth Movement, UK)Libya Alhurra (LiveStream/CNET)Libya Our Home ليبيا وطننا
- WL Central #Libya WikiLeaks news, analysis and action, Live blog for #Libya
- The Libyan revolution next door(Engl. translations, USA)
- Libya Feb 17
- 17022011 Libya Facebook group انتفاضة 17 فبراير 2011- لنجعله يوم للغضب في ليبيا
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How To Spell Qaddafi/Gadhafi/Gaddafi/Qadhafi
You may have noticed reading the news recently, that there is no agreed upon way to spell the name of the current Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi. The controversy is well illustrated by a May 1986 letter to Minnesota second graders; Gaddafi signed his name in English “Moammar El-Gadhafi.” The AP reported the event, “Second-Graders Get Letter From Khadafy.”
Librarians are all too familiar with the profusion of guises in which the name of Libyan dictator Qaddafi may be encountered in the Latin alphabet. (The Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF) preferred form of entry — Qaddafi- lists 72 alternate spellings). For the rest of the public out there it’s still mystery that still requires explanation.
In 2009, ABC News listed 112 different ways to spell Gaddafi, which have appeared in various news outlets. The leader’s name was even the topic of a 1981 Saturday Night Live sketch, offering the most creative spelling a one-way ticket to Tripoli.
- Gaddafi? Kadafi? Qaddafi? What’s the correct spelling? You say, Gaddafi, we say Qaddafi. Other variations on the leader of Libya include “Gathafi,” “Kadafi,” and “Gadafy,” creating an unholy mess for newspaper editors. [Christian Science monitor, February 22, 2011]
- EXPLAINED! Why No One Knows How The Hell To Spell Qaddafi/Gadhafi/Gaddafi/Qadhafi [Business Insider, February 23, 2011]
The Definition Of Democracy According to
Qaddafi’s Arabic etymology of democracy: ديمو كراسي
Qaddafi gave a live interview with Al Jazeera in which he expounded on the meaning of the word “democracy.” According to him, the word “Democracy” is actually an Arabic word that means to sit in one’s chair, because apparently “cracy” is an Arabic plural that sounds like the word for chairs “karasy = كراسي” … and “demo” ديمو in Arabic means “to stay” or “to last a long time.” The word “karasy” (cracy) in Arabic (pl.) usually refers to the thrones or seats of power of ruling dictators, who tend to “sit on the chair” for life. Gaddafi, who has been on the chair himself since 1969, seems to understand that democracies are meant to be dictatorships, and vice-versa. “A system where you have a party, a president and a government is ridiculous,” he said.
He ended the interview with the usual plug for his book, The Green Book (“all this is in The Green Book,” he concludes), a manifesto for government based on the “Third Universal Theory,” which proposes a solution to economic and social problems for humanity. If followed correctly, governments and societies would look much as Libya does.
Fatwas, or religious edicts, Against Gaddafi
Several moral figures, both inside and outside Libya, backed the pro-democracy protesters and the spreading rebellion against his regime.
Libyan authorities arrested Islamic Scholar Al Sadeq Al Gheryani after he spoke to Al Jazeera Arabic program over the phone (Feb-20-11) … during which he issued a holy decree (FATWA, or, Islamic edict), saying that it was “everyone’s duty to get out on the streets and topple Gaddafi.”
Libyan cleric issues fatwa against Gaddafi gift cash
On Tuesday (March 1st), one of Libya’s most prominent religious scholars issued a fatwa against the 500 dinars now being handed out to every Libyan family. In his fatwa, Sheikh Al Sadeq Al Gheryani said the money was tantamount to accepting a bribe from the Kadhafi regime. Such a fatwa is likely to be implemented by his followers, who represent a large section of the Libyan people.
This fatwa was endorsed later by Sheik Ali Mohammed al-Selabi, who is considered to be the most influential religious scholar among Libyans abroad.
Refused an appeal from one of Colonel Gaddafi’s sons, Saadi el-Qaddafi, to issue a fatwa banning demonstrations against his father. “Saadi, Qaddafi’s son, asked me to say a word against the protests; I refused to back him because they were killing innocent people, killing old men and peaceful demonstrators.” The cleric issued a fatwa against Gaddafi instead, saying that “it’s a religious obligation” to fight oppressors and to provide medical and humanitarian help for the protesters.
The Saudi cleric said that he refused to back the Libyan regime because of its “injustices against the Libyan people. That regime is not offering security and peace to the people but it is offering the opposite.”
The Grand Imam of Al-Ahmed Al-Tayeb, head of al-Azhar University in Cairo, calls for the Libyan army to disobey orders Gaddafi.
Seif Qadhafi’s PhD thesis from LSE
A copy of the PhD thesis Seif al-Qadhafi, son of Muammar al-Qadhafi, filed in September 2007 at the London School of Economics (whose former chancellor, Tony Giddens, was an advisor to his father). It’s called “The Role Of Civil Society In The Democratisation Of Global Governance Institutions: From ‘Soft Power’ to Collective Decision-Making?” [See more about academics-turned-consultants, Anthony Giddens and Benjamin Barber, according to]
As government security forces were reported to be firing into crowds of civilian protesters on Monday, and with Gaddafi Jr appearing on television to threaten a civil war in which the regime “will fight to the last minute, until the last bullet”, many of his erstwhile associates were questioning their friendships with him… More about this—
An inquiry into the LSE’s links with Libya and lessons to be learned (October 2011) This Report has been prepared by the Woolf Inquiry, an independent inquiry appointed by the Council of the LSE [London School of Economics] to establish the full facts of the LSE’s links with Libya.
At the time Tony Blair was anxious to secure a rapprochement with the Libyan regime. The call from the Foreign Office to Professor Valpy FitzGerald, the head of Oxford’s Department of International Development, came in the spring of 2002. … On the international academic circuit the LSE’s connections with the Gaddafi regime led to it being called “the Libyan School of Economics”. -
وعين الرضا عن كل عيب كليلة –
كما أن عين السخط تبدي المساويا
[or, ‘when chickens come home to roost’]
- Students Protest London School of Economics’ Ties to Qaddafi Regime
February 23, 2011, 10:30 am
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Students at the London School of Economics and Political Science are protesting its association with the Libyan government of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, saying it should pay back £300,000 ($487,600) [more like £1.5m; see below] it accepted from a charity connected to the Libyan ruler, reports the BBC. The students also want the university to revoke the alumni status of his son Seif al-Islam, who received a master’s degree and a doctorate from the school. The London School of Economics has said it is reconsidering its links with Libya “as a matter of urgency.” In a statement, the school said that it “regrets the association of the school’s name with Saif Gaddafi and the actions of the Libyan regime” and that it would not accept more money from the Gaddafi International Charity and Development Foundation. It said that about half the £300,000 had already been spent and that it was deciding what to do with the remainder… Bookmark the permalink.
According to The New York Times, the consulting firm Monitor Group, based in Cambridge, Mass., acknowledged in a statement that part of the work for which it had been paid a fee of $250,000 a month by the Libyan government included helping Saif Qaddafi with his doctoral dissertation.
[when chickens come home to roost]
It’s been a known fact in academic circles for quite some time that Saif Gaddafi’s thesis at The London School of Economics contains many instances of plagiarism (see: Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi Thesis Wiki). It had been also always assumed that the degree was awarded in part as quid-pro-quo for the Gaddafis contributions to the school. Although LSE has done the right thing by diverting donations to establish a scholarship fund for North African students, it all sounds like a case of chickens coming home to roost. But why single out academic institutions here when you have also politicians, businessmen, lobbyists and assorted others shamelessly double dealing with the dictator’s clique?
From The Independent, UK, 22/2/2011
Dominic Lawson: A Libyan stain on Britain’s reputation:
Yet this was the man [Saif al-Gaddafi] promoted as the entirely acceptable face of a 40-year-long dictatorship, not least in this country. He was feted by the last government, especially by Peter Mandelson, with whom he would socialise in the grand style. He was also fawned on by academia. Nine months ago, he was accorded the accolade of giving the Ralph Miliband lecture at the London School of Economics (presumably the late professor’s sons, David and Ed, were invited along).
Perhaps this had something to do with the fact that Saif al-Islam Gaddafi’s very own foundation had written out a cheque for £1.5m to the LSE. Or perhaps not; anyway Professor David Held of the politics faculty at the LSE gave an excruciatingly smarmy introduction, telling the audience that “the Gaddafi Foundation devotes itself to humanitarian work … especially in the field of human rights” and that “deep liberal values are at the core of his inspiration”.
Tell that to the unarmed demonstrators under machine-gun assault from the Gaddafi family’s mercenary shock troops. Yesterday, the LSE rushed out a statement saying that “the school has had a number of links with Libya in recent years. In view of the highly distressing news from Libya over the weekend, the school has reconsidered those links as a matter of urgency“. Too late!
«قم وانظر يا عمر المختار»
مطلع لقصيد شهير للشاعرالتونسي أحمد اللغماني
[From a poem by Aḥmad al-Laghmānī calling on Omar al-Mukhtar the Libyan resistance fighter hanged by the Italian colonialists in 1931, to witness what Gaddafi’s done to Libya.]
قم وانظر يا عمر المختار
عبث الثورية… والثوار
يا زارع ليبيا أمجادا
يا قاصم ظهر الاستعمار
قم فانظر كيف يخرب ما شيدت
ومن أعلى… ينهار
بليت ليبيا وعروبتها
بعتل منحرف جبار
انقض بسكين الجزار
وجاء بمسحاة الحفار
وتربع فوق سرير
من جثث لضحاياه الأبرار…
الى ان يقول في موضع آخر من القصيد :
لو تدري ما فعلته «الثورة»
بالحرية والأحرار
لكفرت بها وجزعت
لما حملت لبلادك من أوزار
ولعنت صباحا أغبر
كان بداية عهد الاستهتار
«الفاتح» من سبتمبر
لم يفتح الا بؤرات العار…
More resources on Libya / Columbia University Libraries – Middle East Studies: Libya
Muammar Gaddafi, the devil, you’ve no place to escape except under the sea water. but there is also cruel sharks waiting to welcome you in to their belly. at least try to do one god job before death, that is pray apology to all the libyans regarding your bad job. and urge to them to stay with peaceful democracy which you ignored during your 42 years rule.
This is incredibly interesting, some things we have to really review and see. Libya being a country that seemed to be doing quite well before the onset of this revolution. I believe all things will come around, and thus people will properly be caught and punished for the crimes they have committed.