Article: On Social Media, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Have Different Styles

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The Clinton campaign is active on Facebook and Twitter, maintains a blog and is also focused on expanding the candidate’s presence online. Mrs. Clinton and her surrogates answer questions on Quora, a question-and-answer platform. The campaign also has a vibrant Snapchat account, where it posts “stories” with a central theme, such as attacking Mr. Trump’s statements about immigration or explaining Mrs. Clinton’s college plan.

Drew Margolin, an assistant professor in the Department of Communication at Cornell University, is studying the interaction the two campaigns online.

“The difference appears to be in the style of engagement,” Mr. Margolin said of the two campaigns. “We see Clinton supporters slightly more likely to use hashtags and to retweet, while Trump supporters are relying more on replies.”

The answer to the question of which strategy works the best to reach voters may come in November.”