Phytophthora blight on tomato

The soil-borne pathogen that causes Phytophthora blight, Phytophthora capsici, is commonly seen affecting foliar tissue and fruit of pepper and cucurbits. It is occasionally observed causing buckeye fruit rot in tomato. Foliar as well as fruit symptoms on tomato were observed in July 2021 in a section of a commercial crop that was underwater following intensive rain with a tropical storm. Foliar symptoms with flooding have also been seen in North Carolina. Fungicides labeled for buckeye fruit rot and late blight likely will suppress foliar infection by Phytophthora capsici when applied before a storm with potential to cause flooding.

The following photographs were taken by Sandra Menasha, Vegetable/Potato Specialist with Cornell Cooperative Extension-Suffolk County.

Phytophthora blight on tomato leaf

Phytophthora blight on tomato leaf

Phytophthora blight on tomato leaf underside

Phytophthora blight on tomato fruit