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What You Need to Know About Breathwork

Have you been hearing about the new trend of breathwork in holistic wellness circles? Are you wondering what it is, and how you could benefit from it? The science of guided breathing is still new, and there is so much yet to learn. Read on to see how this exciting new wellness practice could help you.

What is Breathwork?

Breathwork is a practice where guided, focused breathing is used to heal and support the body and mind. While it is similar to meditation, it also has differences. Modern breathwork has its roots in ancient eastern medicine and uses modern science and medical knowledge to provide the best results.

Breathwork VS Meditation

Meditation contains aspects of breathwork such as guided breathing, but when you are doing breathwork guided breathing is the whole point. Unlike meditation, there’s little or no visualization or other similar concepts when you are doing breathwork. Breathing is the focus.


Breathwork has been used for a huge variety of mental and physical problems, such as anxiety, depression, and anger issues. People also use it to help manage stress and the effects of addiction. It has also been used to help people with trauma healing and processing.

Some people use breathwork to help manage physical pain such as that caused by chronic illnesses or injuries. Others say it has helped their self-development by increasing their self-esteem, creativity, confidence, and happiness. It’s even been said to increase immunity and help people sleep better.

The science behind breathwork is still changing and there is still a lot to learn about how and why it works, so if you have medical issues, mental health concerns, or want to improve some area of your life, consider the possibility that breathwork could help you.

How to Learn It

The best way to learn breathwork is with a certified instructor in a classroom setting. Simple breathwork techniques can be learned at home or practiced in an online setting as well, but you might not have as good of a result. When looking for an in-person or online breathwork instructor, make sure the person has an accredited certification and that they have experience teaching breathwork successfully. Also, consider looking for reviews and word-of-mouth recommendations.

If you are interested in simply trying one breathwork lesson to see what it is like and if it will help you, see if you can find a local instructor who gives walk-in or one-time classes. If not, you can always try a free or cheap online version to trial before subscribing to something longer-term.

Why You May Want to Become an Instructor

If you decide you love the practice of breathwork and want to become more deeply involved, consider becoming an instructor yourself. When you are an instructor, you will have the chance to help other people become healthier, happier, and more fulfilled, while at the same time making money for yourself and losing the drudgery of your full-time job.

Reputable breathwork certification programs like the one offered by Soma Breath or Whim Hof can take some time to learn, and require an initial investment, but it’s a fulfilling and highly rewarding job that can truly make a difference in your life and the life of your clients.

How to Choose a Course

How do you choose a breathwork course? There are several course options, and you will have to weigh them to see which is best for you. Some options are longer than others, and some have in-person or one-on-one training, while others are strictly video and online learning.

You will also have to research what styles and techniques each course covers to see if it will teach you the method you are wanting to use. Some courses are complete all-in-one systems that will teach you everything you need to know for all aspects of breathwork, from scientific principles to business management. Other companies are cheaper but offer many different classes and courses for you to choose from. If you choose these options you will have to decide which courses you need in order to effectively start your own business and teach breathwork.

In-Person or Online

For many people, an online course is the only option available to them. Whether it is because they cannot take time away to travel, the courses are too expensive, or they have obligations on their time that limit their ability to travel, for some people the online version is the best or only option.

Other people cannot imagine learning to teach a physical skill online through phone calls, videos, and zoom sessions. They feel like they will be better instructors if they have learned their skills in person. Plus they relish the opportunity to travel and enjoy a luxurious retreat-like vacation while learning new skills and receiving training.

Consider Your Budget

Some courses are much more expensive than others. If you are just starting your journey as a wellness teacher, you may not have the means or desire to spend thousands of dollars on certification and starting a business. For you, and cheaper and shorter class will be ideal until your business is off the ground and making some money. Later, you may choose to delve into more extensive courses and certifications.

Other people may already have businesses or be instructors in a wellness area such as yoga instruction, nutrition instruction, or meditation, and have more money available to put into furthering their business. For these people, a more expensive and in-depth class might appeal better.


Whether you are interested in trying a new wellness practice or are seeking to become certified and begin your journey toward a more fulfilling career, breathwork is an exciting opportunity.