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Five Steps to Modernize Your Workplace

Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds each day and businesses have the opportunity to leverage new innovative tools to achieve unprecedented growth. If you have thought about modernizing your workplace but are unsure of where to start, here are five main changes that you can make to take your workplace capabilities into the future.

VoIP Communications

The first step to modernizing your dated workplace is to install a top-notch Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system. Although it employs the latest technology, a VoIP system is surprisingly affordable and much more cost-effective than a typical analog telephone system. When you use a VoIP system, you can make and receive unlimited national and international calls using your Internet connection, saving on expensive costs associated with telecommunication bills.

A VoIP system enables you and your team members to take business calls on multiple devices such as desktop computers or mobiles, allowing you to maintain contact with important customers no matter where you are. A quality VoIP system also comes with numerous useful features such as fax, voicemail, call recording, call forwarding, and advanced call routing. You can retain your current phone number and phone equipment, and even get an additional toll-free number at no extra charge.

Everything on the Cloud

Paperwork is fast becoming a thing of the past. Instead of your team members having to run to the copier or fax machine to deliver multiple copies of documents to different departments, why not just put everything on the cloud? Having your documents managed in a secure cloud environment eliminates the worry of theft or loss. Every document can be retrieved immediately by those who have the right level of access.

Cloud-based productivity suites such as Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 have been shown to boost efficiency and productivity for teams. Cloud computing can also expedite the daily processes of your business. For instance, if you have a salesperson in the field who has just signed a contract, the new account can be activated immediately without having to wait for paperwork to be filed back at the office. This gets your customers using your service immediately, thus improving their satisfaction.

Streamline Accounts

The complexity of managing accounts is a common pain point for businesses. With so many digital payment options available, you should not limit your business to slow checks, interbank transfers, or in-person payment processes. Neither should you be bound by the inefficient and clunky system of manual invoice generation. If you have a storefront, it makes sense to invest in a multipurpose POS (Point of Sale) system that enables you to accept various forms of digital payments.

Cloud-based accounting software allows you to keep track of expenses, generate invoices, bill clients, and record payments with a click of the mouse. It can help you to manage recurring subscriptions, staggered payments, accrued interest, and other complicated accounting issues that would normally cost you hours of specialized labor. Furthermore, digitizing your accounting process eliminates human mathematical errors and allows for more accurate reporting and analysis.

Workforce Flexibility

Thanks to the pandemic, remote work and freelance arrangements are on the rise. Work-life balance is becoming increasingly important to people around the world. If you can offer flexible working arrangements such as remote work, partial-remote work, or part-time work, you can gain access to a more discerning talent pool that can often be more qualified, motivated, and creative than standard, full-time office employees.

Workforce flexibility can lead to lower operational costs and improved efficiency. With so many online freelance marketplaces, it is simple to connect with expert workers with specific skills and experience. However, your workplace must have the structures in place to facilitate collaboration and communication. Team chat platforms and project management apps can help your employees to keep in touch and stay on the same page even when they are working miles apart.

Focus on Security

The increased convenience and efficiency of online technology are accompanied by a heightened possibility of being vulnerable to cyberattacks. Although this is a valid concern, it can easily be addressed by hiring experts to secure your networks and only using reliable software and apps. As you migrate your data onto the cloud, be sure that you are saving information to servers and platforms that feature strong security protocols and encryption.

Enhancing the cybersecurity of your organization goes beyond data protection. It ensures that your business systems maintain as much uptime as possible and experience minimal to no disruption. This, in turn, lets you provide your customers with a more responsive and consistent service. Even if your business does not deal in digital assets, being able to boast strong cybersecurity will lead to higher customer trust and confidence.

Workplace modernization starts with the basic telephone. By installing a VoIP system, you can streamline your communications and ensure that you never miss a call from a potential customer. Using cloud-based productivity suites and accounting platforms, you can perform your processes and tasks at record speed. Finally, with a flexible and talented workforce and a secure data management system, you can scale your business with confidence.