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Key Things You Need to Know if You Work for a Tech Firm

If you work for a tech firm, there are some key things you need to know in order to be successful. From the latest tech trends to understanding the jargon, here are some of the most important things you need to know as a worker in the tech industry.

The technology industry is booming, and shows no signs of slowing down. Global tech is now the world’s third largest economy, and the US tech industry employs more than 12 million people alone. But not everyone who gets a job in the world of technology is a technology expert. You might work for a tech firm in sales, marketing, human resources, procurement or a range of other roles. And even if you don’t need to be a technology expert to gain these jobs, you should have an understanding of certain things in the tech world in order to do well.

So what are some of the key things you need to know if you work for a tech firm?

Tech Trends

First and foremost, it is important to be able to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in technology. If you are not familiar with new technologies, your company will likely fall behind the competition. There are a number of things you can do to keep up to date with tech trends. Following industry news, attending conferences and seminars related to the field, and talking with experts in the industry are all great ways to stay informed. Also look up some of the key research happening in the world of technology, from esteemed universities and research institutions. Most universities run a program of free events and webinars on key topics that you might be able to take part in.

Jargon and Processes

Another important thing to know is tech jargon. The language used in the tech industry can be difficult to understand for those who are not familiar with the sector. Understanding key processes and understanding how certain software works will be important for your role, so don’t be afraid to ask questions and learn more about the technologies you are working with.

One phrase you’ll come across often in the tech world is ‘agile methodology’. This refers to a particular way of managing projects and processes, focusing on quick iterations in order to assess customer feedback more quickly. You’ll also hear about ephemeral environments, sometimes called preview environments. This is where developers can create a clone of their production environment to test new features in isolation. It makes it much easier to test new software or tech developments in these environments. If you work in sales, you’re likely to become quite familiar with this, as it’s a good way to give demos too.

Finally, don’t forget the basics – such as knowing how to use the tools used in your industry. If you’re not familiar with software such as Microsoft Office, Adobe Suite or Salesforce, for example, then make sure you get up to speed with these quickly.


In addition, it’s important to be able to troubleshoot tech problems. If you are dealing with customer queries or working on projects, having the ability to spot and fix any technical issues quickly is invaluable. You don’t necessarily have to be an expert in the technology, but understanding how things work and being able to look for solutions quickly will benefit both you and your company.

Communication Skills

Additionally, it is important to have strong communication skills. You will often be working with clients or other departments within your company, so it is critical that you are able to effectively communicate with them. Being able to explain complex technology in a simple way and listening carefully to what they are asking for will be key to successful interactions. Being able to translate technical jargon into everyday language is an invaluable skill that makes a tangible difference to the tech world. After all, if tech cannot be communicated to prospective customers and the wider world, then a tech company is unlikely to be successful.

Comfort With the Start-Up World

The tech world is full of start-ups and small companies, so it is important to be comfortable with the idea of working in a rapidly-changing environment. It is also important to be familiar with the processes and tools used in start-ups, such as agile methodology, customer feedback, and ephemeral environments. Being comfortable with the idea of working in these kinds of environments will be advantageous to any role you are in, from sales to engineering. If you work for a tech start-up yourself, you’ll also have to expect to work some long hours, live with a level of uncertainty, and be adaptable to constant changes.

Business Acumen

Finally, it is essential that you have a good understanding of business concepts. A lot of times, tech firms work as consultants for other businesses; therefore, having the ability to look at an industry from a business perspective is important. You should understand the key players in the market and how their strategies affect your own. Understanding customer needs, marketing and product positioning are all essential parts of successfully running a tech business.

In the end, if you are looking to break into the tech industry, staying informed and learning the jargon and processes will be key. It’s also important to have a good understanding of the industry, and being comfortable with start-up culture is beneficial as well. Finally, understanding business needs and being able to communicate complex matters in an easy-to-understand way will be key. With the right skills, breaking into the tech industry could be a fulfilling and rewarding career move.