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5 Fun Ways to Foster Creativity in School

Creativity is one of the most important skills that a child can learn. It helps them think outside the box and come up with new ideas. Unfortunately, many schools are cutting back on arts programs, which can stunt a child’s creativity. If you want to help foster creativity in your child, there are plenty of things you can do to help them. Here are five fun ways to foster creativity in your kindergartner!

Creativity is essential for problem solving and innovation, both of which are crucial for success in the 21st century. Children who have aspects of creativity woven into their lives are more resilient and able to apply their learning to different situations they come across in life.

There is also a growing need in society for people to bring a creative mindset to the work they do. Instilling creative and innovative attitudes in children from a young age will only enable them to thrive as they grow older. The creative economy is absolutely booming across the world too. In fact, jobs in the creative industries are set to grow by nearly 30% over the next decade. So, not only is creativity important for your child’s individual success, but it is also important for the future of the world.

So what are five ways that creativity can be fostered in kindergarten aged children?

1. Find a School That Embraces Creativity

One of the best ways to ensure that your child is getting the creativity-boosting education they need is to find a school that embraces creativity. Look for private schools that have arts and music programs, and make sure they are encouraged to explore their creative side.

Some parents worry that creative schools only give students a creative education, at the expense of a traditionally academic one. This is not usually the case, and specialist schools that embrace creativity teach an all-round education. This can help children gain a wide skillset while being given the opportunity to explore their creative side.

2. Get Creative at Home

Creativity doesn’t just have to happen at school or in classes; there are plenty of ways to get creative at home too. Firstly, you can encourage your child to express themselves through art, whether it’s painting, drawing, sculpting, or anything else. Get them an easel or just some scrap paper and paint – anything can become art if you let your children express themselves!

You could also set up a little stage in your home and put on regular shows for family and friends. Encourage your child to help write the script, design the costumes, and make props. This is a great way to get the whole family involved in creativity.

Or why not start a family project? This could be anything from growing a vegetable garden to making homemade pizzas together. The point is to do something together that requires creative thinking and problem solving.

3. Less Screen Time

It’s no secret that too much screen time can be bad for children. Not only does it mean they’re missing out on important social interaction, but it can also stop them from being creative. If your child is spending hours in front of a screen, whether it’s TV, a tablet, or a phone, try to limit their time and encourage them to do other things instead.

There are plenty of fun, creative activities that your child can do without spending hours in front of a screen. As well as the suggestions above, you could try baking together, going for nature walks, or playing games that require imagination.

Screen time isn’t all bad, though. There are some great educational apps and websites that can help foster creativity. Just make sure your child is using them in moderation!

4. Open Ended Toys

When buying toys for your child, try to avoid those that have one specific purpose. Instead, opt for open-ended toys that can be used in multiple ways. For example, building blocks can be used to build houses, towers, castles, or anything else your child can imagine.

Open-ended toys encourage children to use their imagination and be creative in their play. This is opposed to toys that only have one specific use, which can limit a child’s imagination.

There are plenty of great open-ended toys on the market, so try to avoid buying your child too many “one use” toys. Instead, opt for those that will encourage them to be creative!

5. Unstructured Parts of the Day

One of the best times for children to be creative is when they’re not in a structured environment, such as school or class. This means that the best time for creativity is usually during free play, either at home or in kindergarten.

During free play, children are able to explore and experiment without adults intervening. This allows them to try new things and use their imagination in ways that may not be possible in a more structured environment.

So try to encourage free play as much as possible, both at home and in kindergarten. This will give your child the opportunity to explore their creativity!

Creativity is a skill that is important to encourage in children from a young age. There are many benefits to being creative, such as problem solving skills, improved communication, and increased confidence. From ensuring your child gets plenty of creative time at kindergarten, to encouraging creativity at home, creative outlets provide a brilliant start in life for little ones.