Soundtrack of immigrant stories

Richard Gutiérrez

This website’s goal is to reveal the significance of music in my mother and father’s unique immigration stories. Through interviews and song analyses, we will construct a soundtrack that follows my mother from Cuba to Jamaica to America and my father from Nicaragua to Panama to America. Through their words, the role of music throughout the immigrant experience is discovered. Music can help them feel Cuban or Nicaraguan, music can act as a transitionary part of a transitionary country, music can work to create visions of a better future, and music can assimilate them in a place less friendly towards the “other.”


Meta perdida en el viaje

Enrique Cruz-Amigon


This piece is broken down into two different interactions. The audio of this piece takes you through the struggle of two individuals crossing the border and their recollection of this moment which has now been decades ago. This is further analyzed and compared to the struggles that Latines face in the “Dream Land” called the United States.  The image on the screen represents the three words that have a deeper meaning to those who may understand but are left up to interpretation by everyone. Although these two interactions may seem different from each other there is a connection left unknown.


Coast to Coast and Cultural Crossroads

Anthony Pizana, Ximena Toxqui, Elizabeth Lara-Rivera

Our presentation is a collision of Latino background from coast to coast. Every member of our group will partake in writing about their specific state Anthony for Texas, Ximena for California, and I will be writing from the New York perspective. We will compare and contrast our Latino background and how we share similarities and differences being from different regions within the states. Focusing on specific aspects of our neighborhoods, foods, and education for our main topics of discussion. Since we are from three large states we want to narrow it down to where we can truly see the differences and similarities without being very broad.


Puerto Rico y la Musica

Nina Chehab

This project is a printed slideshow dedicated to the influence of Puerto Rican music on Puerto Rican culture and its community. This presentation consists of a description of Puerto Rican history as well as its musical history and culture, an analysis of one of my favorite songs by a Puerto Rican artist, as well as a question and answer transcript from an interview with my mother, Daisy Lopez, a Puerto Rican native. This slideshow is meant to highlight Puerto Rican history and tell multiple stories through the medium of music, an incredibly important aspect of the island’s culture and identity. I hope to showcase how music defines the island, and how it is used to spread awareness about the multiple issues occurring there currently.

The rise of latin pop music

Bella DiPalermo

Slide Show Presentation

These pieces dive into the growing popularity of Latin music in the United States and on a global scale. In Particular, I showcase specific Latin artists from the 90s to present day. The video serves as a celebration of Latin music’s worldwide success including clips from historical Latinx performances, music videos, and interviews. You will hear from the artists themselves and what their success means to them and representation of the Latinx community. The slide show presentation will summarize the recent growth of Latin music and will showcase the mechanisms used to reach the US market and gain international momentum. Overall, the video and powerpoint serve as a form of hope and embrace of Latin culture in the music industry that continues on a positive trajectory today.