Martha Van

Note: There are two rooms within this building.

Room Number: T154

Directions:Travel onto the paved walkway between Savage/Kinzelburg Hall and MVR Hall.  Enter into MVR using the double doors immediately next to the “No Smoking” sign.  Inside the foyer there are multiple vending machines.  Walk through the second set of double doors.  The first door on the left is the Lactation/Mothers Room (T154).

Features: Refrigerator, sound machine

Proximity to sink: Next to restroom with sink

Access: Room is kept locked, key card must be programmed.

Scheduling:  Room schedule is managed via Outlook Calendar, “MVR T154”

Contact: Sheri Spencer,





Room Number: G417

Directions: Enter through the center set of doors in front of the Martha Van Rensselaer (MVR) building (front faces the AG Quad).  Walk down concrete steps into the courtyard and up the steps towards the gray double doors (main entrance) to the left of the metal sign that says “Martha Van Rensselaer”.  You will be in the lobby named checkerboard square (due to the black and white tile on the lobby floor).  Walk straight towards the large conference room and turn right down a long hallway (Level 1).  Turn left at the EXIT sign to enter the walkway leading to the glass spiral staircase.  Walk down the stairs for one floor and exit into the hallway for the G (Level).  Continue straight in this hallway until you near the end of the hallway – you will see the entrance to G422 Conference room.  The Lactation/Renewal (G417) room is the last door on the left before entering the G422 Conference room.

Features: Ottoman, sound machine

Proximity to sink: Within room

Access: Room is kept locked, key card must be programmed.

Scheduling:  Room schedule is managed via Outlook Calendar, “MVR G417 Lactation Room East”

Contact: Sheri Spencer,


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