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Cornell SC Johnson College of Business

Keeping a Better World in Mind

A Dean's Blog by Andrew Karolyi

alumni of distinction

February 2, 2023

Friends, I hope you’ve entered 2023 with refreshed purpose and commitment I myself am energized, with lots of plans for a productive year of travel and collaboration on the...

May 15, 2022

As business educators we consciously equip our students with the tools to manage organizations well The marriage of practical skill and judicious thinking make effective...

March 15, 2022

Underpinning all the business that gets done around the world are the workers who make it happen When labor markets tighten and companies have a hard time hiring the talent they...

February 1, 2022

“The way to get across divisions is to engage with people who are different from you…” David M Einhorn Late-January’s 2022 Cornell Business Forum afforded me a...