It’s always a pleasure to tell my friends that we work on urban farms in NYC and they are surprised that there are farms in NYC!
And this week, I had the chance to visit one of the many other urban farms in NYC; Red Hook Community Farm in Brooklyn. I did scouting on the brassicas and I was able to identify some cabbage whiteflies and diamondback moth caterpillars. Having identified cabbage whiteflies infestation, Samuel, one of our supervisors could now recommend the farm manager to order the Delphastus ladybeetles to hopefully predate on the whiteflies.
It was also interesting to learn that the farm used solar photovoltaic panels to generate the electricity needed to pump air into the compost manure heaps. I also had the opportunity to help around the farm with weeding.
Nevertheless, I continued to work on our poster and our pest scouting guide.