import pandas as pd
import pyodbc
sqlServerInstance = ".\JINGSQL"
dbname = 'db'
schema = 'FTP'
connectionStr = "DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=" + sqlServerInstance + ";DATABASE=" + dbname + ";Trusted Connection = Yes" + ", autocommit=True"
conn = pyodbc.connect(connectionStr)
cursor = conn.cursor()
sql_q = """ select top 10 * from [DB].[SCHEMA].[TableName]"
df_concordance = pd. read_sql_query(sql_q,conn)
Now records are saved in the dataframe df_concordance.
How do I add a parameter to a query like this? For example I am need to loop through a list of ids and run a SQL query for each id.
But when I try i get this error: ‘the sql contains 1 parameter markers, but 6 parameters were supplied’
My code looks something like this (using your example)
for table in tablenames:
tablename = table
sql_q = “”” select top 10 * from [DB].[SCHEMA].[TableName] where TableName = ?”””
df_concordance = pd. read_sql_query(sql_q,conn, parameters = tablename )
Thank you.
You can print out the sql_q and check the queries to make sure the queries are correct.