Year: 2023

One-Year Anniversary of the Overturning of Roe v. Wade: Continued Division

June 24, 2022: a date that will go down in political history, the day that the Roe V. Wade Supreme Court case was overturned. This landmark piece of legislation, when deemed constitutional, made access to an abortion a federal right in the United States. However, the overturning paved a new road, permitting individual states to…Continue Reading One-Year Anniversary of the Overturning of Roe v. Wade: Continued Division

The Rise of Ozempic: The Multifaceted Drug and its Impact on Diabetes and Beyond

Ozempic has been a drug widely known for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes in adults. Recently, it was discovered to have substantial effects on weight loss which is part of the reason for its high demand today. However, as technology in drug development becomes more advanced, researchers are finding new uses for Ozempic for…Continue Reading The Rise of Ozempic: The Multifaceted Drug and its Impact on Diabetes and Beyond

Stifling the Colors of Diversity Through Book Banning

The Cambridge Dictionary defines censorship as “the action of preventing part or the whole of a book, movie, work of art, document, or other kind of communication from being seen of made available to the public because it is considered to be offensive or harmful, or because it contains information someone wishes to keep secret,…Continue Reading Stifling the Colors of Diversity Through Book Banning

Tackling the Fentanyl Crisis

In recent years, the rise in fentanyl-related incidents and deaths have sent shockwaves throughout communities all across the nation. Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, has emerged as a major threat due to its potency and high mortality rate. In the United States, the fentanyl problem has reached extreme proportions, with devastating impacts on individuals, families, and…Continue Reading Tackling the Fentanyl Crisis

Major Pharmaceutical Industry Players Sue the U.S. Government Over Medicare Drug Price Negotiation

Pharmaceutical giant Merck recently sued the U.S. government in an attempt to block the drug price negotiation provision of the Inflation Reduction Act, which would essentially allow the government to set prices for certain Medicare-covered drugs. Bristol Myers Squibb, another pharmaceutical company, and The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), the leading lobbying group…Continue Reading Major Pharmaceutical Industry Players Sue the U.S. Government Over Medicare Drug Price Negotiation

Don’t Mess With These Montana Youth, Or Their Futures

One of the most well-known youth climate activists, Greta Thunberg, first gained international attention by striking outside of Sweden’s parliament building instead of attending school in 2018. Her actions inspired students from all continents to participate in “Fridays for Future” and strike for political action on climate change. Today, over fourteen million students on every…Continue Reading Don’t Mess With These Montana Youth, Or Their Futures

The Story of Sgt. Dakota L. Meyer at the Extraordinary Battle of Ganjgal

Sgt. Dakota Louis Meyer is a Marine Corps veteran who received the Congressional Medal of Honor for his outstanding performance in saving the lives of his counterparts from an ambush in Kunar Province in eastern Afghanistan. Meyer was born on June 28, 1988, in Columbia, Kentucky, and joined the Marine Corps in 2006 after graduating…Continue Reading The Story of Sgt. Dakota L. Meyer at the Extraordinary Battle of Ganjgal

Robert Eugene Bush and The Battle of Okinawa

Official Medal of Honor Citation: “For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as medical corpsman with a rifle company, in action against enemy Japanese forces on Okinawa Jima, Ryukyu Islands, 2 May 1945. Fearlessly braving the fury of artillery, mortar, and machine-gun fire…Continue Reading Robert Eugene Bush and The Battle of Okinawa

The Incredible Story of Staff Sergeant Bellavia’s Solo Insurgent House Clearing

Official Medal of Honor Citation: Staff Sergeant David G. Bellavia distinguished himself by acts of gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty on November 10, 2004, while serving as a squad leader in support of Operation Phantom Fury in Fallujah, Iraq. While clearing a house, a squad from SSG Bellavia’s platoon became…Continue Reading The Incredible Story of Staff Sergeant Bellavia’s Solo Insurgent House Clearing

Telling a Soldier’s Story: Richard Hetherington O’Kane

RICHARD HETHERINGTON O’KANE In 1946, President Truman personally awarded Richard Hetherington O’Kane the Congressional Medal of Honor for his gutsy leadership as the commander of the U.S.S. Tang submarine. Just one year prior – in 1945 – O’Kane had been a political prisoner of the Japanese army, subjected to starvation and beatings for these very…Continue Reading Telling a Soldier’s Story: Richard Hetherington O’Kane