Day: July 25, 2023

No End in Sight for the 2023 Hollywood Strikes

On May 1, 2023, the Writers Guild of America (WGA), a union representing content creators in film, television, and radio, declared that it was going on strike at 12:01 AM. The WGA’s three-year contract with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) had expired after the two groups had been negotiating topics such…Continue Reading No End in Sight for the 2023 Hollywood Strikes

Telecom Giants Respond to Lead Pollution Investigation

Following a report that retired communication cables may be polluting waterways, soil, and air with toxic lead, lawmakers and environmental organizations have demanded the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and telecom giants assess the risk of lead-sheathed cables and remove those that pose a risk to the communities they once served.  A statement issued by AT&T…Continue Reading Telecom Giants Respond to Lead Pollution Investigation

Florida Board of Education Releases New Rules For the State’s African-American History Public School Curriculum

America has watched the unfolding of education laws in Florida in the past year, and Governor Ron DeSantis has continued to modify how history is taught in the state, from the conflict with the College Board over AP African-American Studies courses to the Individual Freedom Act (also known as the Stop Wrongs To Our Kids…Continue Reading Florida Board of Education Releases New Rules For the State’s African-American History Public School Curriculum