Month: November 2021

Looking at DC: The Military Women’s Memorial; Paying Due Tribute

By Liz J. A Brief Background “Women are veterans too,” said Mary Lou Keener, with the Department of Veterans’ Affairs at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Military Women’s Memorial [1].  As a distinct minority in the military, women servicemembers are too often forgotten in the shadow of their male counterparts.  Even in my own experiences…Continue Reading Looking at DC: The Military Women’s Memorial; Paying Due Tribute

Looking at DC: The National Zoo

Introduction By Isabella E. (All media by author)             In Washington D.C., hundreds of museums, memorials, and historical sites vie for tourists’ attention. There are destinations for every interest, from World War II to Asian art to space travel. In comparison with these distinctive sites, you might expect the Smithsonian National Zoo to disappear into…Continue Reading Looking at DC: The National Zoo

Looking at DC Series: Introduction

Welcome to the “Looking at DC” series from the Enduring Issues class at Cornell in Washington.  Over the next few weeks, we’ll be putting up posts about significant spots in DC, their history, and their importance.  The locations include places like the National Zoo,The Cathedral of Saint Matthew the Apostle, and the Military Women’s Memorial, as…Continue Reading Looking at DC Series: Introduction