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Tuna and the Tragedy of the Commons Restrictions on mass tuna fishing (as well as other fish, though tuna have emerged as the posterchild) are a direct response to a precipitous fall in their wild population due to commercial overfishing. These have been implemented by individual countries and there are also some international standards to try to reign in overfishing. The […]

Space Debris Clean Up and the Tragedy of the Commons

Space debris over 10cm in size have the potential to disintegrate entire space crafts, and more than 29,000 of these objects are currently in low Earth orbit. These objects pose a threat to the satellites within this orbit, essential for daily earth life, as well as spacecrafts traveling within range. While both national and private […]

Free to Play and the Tragedy of the Commons

Many new online multiplayer games are electing to use a free-to-play business model, where anyone can download and play the game for free.  There are a variety of incentives for developers to do this; free games can more easily attract a larger user base (especially at launch) since there is low risk, they can be […]

MERS-CoV, South Korea, and the Tragedy of the Commons

During the summer of 2015, the Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (or “MERS-CoV”) corona-virus spread to South Korea when an infected man traveled back to the country after visiting Saudi Arabia. Due to a myriad of circumstances, the disease had spread to a large majority of hospitals and ultimately led to approximately 17,000 citizens quarantined, 187 […]

After 50 years of the introduction of the “Tragedy of the Commons,” We still haven’t figured it out

In his very pun ridden title “Still Fishing for Solutions: ‘Tragedy of the Commons’ Approaches Fifty,’ Professor James McClintock (Professor of Polar and Marine Biology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham) comments on the current global situation of overfishing around the world. As stated in class on Monday by Professor Easley, the sea is […]

Game Theory, Tragedy of the Commons, and Space Debris

Right now, there are thousands of pieces of debris in the earths orbit. This poses a problem for any space craft wishing to make a trip to the International Space Station. If a large enough piece of debris hits a spacecraft, it could be catastrophic. However, it seems nothing is really being done about it. […]

Applying game theory to the “tragedy of the commons”

According to an article by Science Magazine, the “tragedy of the commons” is a situation in which one common resource is shared among multiple independent and rational individuals each seeking to maximize their own gain. The best interest of the group, which would be achieved by equal sharing of the common resource, conflicts with the […]

The Tragedy of the Commons

Game theory relates to many aspects of everyday life. One of these applications is shown in “The Tragedy of the Commons” by Garrett Hardin. In this article Hardin discusses an open public pasture, to which anyone can bring their sheep to graze. Everyone benefits by taking their sheep to this pasture, because by going to […]

The Tragedy of the Commons in California

In 1968, Garrett Hardin wrote an article concerning “the tragedy of the commons.” This is the idea that a group of people will spoil a commonly shared resource. The classic example uses a group of farmers that share grazing land for their animals. Initially they may use the land sustainably. The farmers move their herds […]

Tragedy of the Commons: Game Theory

An ongoing problem in our society has been one involving the shortage of natural resources. Whether it is energy, water, or land, humans have been known to overuse what nature has generously given them. Statistically speaking, “humans are using 30% more resources than the Earth can replenish each year”. This can be due to the […]

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