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Dark Web and SCC

At some point, most people have gotten calls from random numbers. Some phones and providers may even automatically label these calls as “Scam Likely”. Chances are, your phone number has been leaked and is being sold to different companies. The results of this are rather harmless, however not all security leaks are. Cyber attacks have been rising at an exponential rate, so it is not just you who has been getting more and more suspicious calls. Information like phone numbers, credit card numbers, home addresses and much more can all be found on some parts of the Dark Web. The Dark Web is the name given to the part of the web where search engines cannot index, and thus is impossible to find without the assistance of special software that also encrypted your connection. A very well known example of this is the Tor. Everyone on the dark web is anonymous and because of that, it has become a hub for illegal activities such as purchasing and selling credentials. 

Bitglass, a cloud security company, announced that “the value of stolen data and cybercriminal behaviors have dramatically evolved in recent years.” Back in 2015, it took 12 days to reach around 1,100 views on a link. But now, in 2021, it took less than 24 hours to get to that number. More and more people are on the look for stolen data on the dark web. 

Now how does this relate to 2040: Networks? As mentioned earlier, the dark web is a place that is not indexed and is not connected to other websites. Why is that? It is because very few sites link to each other on the dark web, making it hard for web crawlers that Google and other search engines use to reach these sites. On the structure of the web, this means the dark web sites are mostly individual strongly connected components.




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