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Video Game Lootcrate Keys: Part 2 – Power Law

      This is a follow-up post to Bingsong Li’s post about the Applecraft economy. Part 2: Power Law Phenomena and Inequality in Applecraft Greetings, fellow Adventurers of Applecraft! Today, let’s embark on an exploration into the heart of our economy and uncover the reasons why selling keys instead of opening them leads to […]

Videogame Lootcrate Keys – Buy or Sell?

Rules and Assumptions of the Game This post will be talking about the crate system in Applecraft – an online Minecraft server using the concept of risk in betting in Chapter 22. At the start of the month, every player gets a certain number of keys Every key represents an opportunity to take part in […]

Illustrating “following the crowd” at Cornell

Whether we realize it or not, the behavior of others greatly influences the decisions we make in our daily lives. Being a part of a social group stems from human nature: people want to “follow the crowd” because it can be informational, like a long line in a restaurant hinting at how good the food […]

Bitcoin’s Rabbit Hole of Proof-of-Work

Bitcoin, the enigmatic digital currency that ignited the cryptocurrency revolution, operates on a unique mechanism called Proof-of-Work (PoW). This system, while innovative, has sparked heated debates about its energy consumption, environmental impact, and long-term viability. Let’s delve into the labyrinthine world of Bitcoin mining and explore its intricate workings while considering what we have learned […]

Navigating the Digital Polis: The Politics of Web Information and Online Communities

Introduction The digital age has converted how we access statistics and interact with each other, bringing to the forefront the complicated politics of web statistics and online groups. This weblog publish explores the multifaceted dynamics of those digital spaces, inspecting how they shape public discourse, affect social norms, and present both demanding situations and possibilities […]

Balancing Acts: Understanding the Robustness and Fragility of Food Webs and Financial Markets

Introduction In the problematic tapestry of our world,  apparently disparate systems – food webs and financial markets – exhibit fascinating parallels of their robustness and fragility. This blog put up targets to discover those complicated networks, dropping light on their resilience, vulnerabilities, and the intricate balance that governs their stability.   The Dynamics of Food […]

The Ripple Effect: How Opinions, Fads, and Political Movements Spread Through Society

The Spread of Opinions Opinions in society regularly propagate via a complex community of influencers and social connections. Key figures inclusive of celebrities, politicians, or social media influencers wield full-size strength in shaping public opinion. Their endorsements or criticisms will have a profound effect, frequently placing off a sequence response across their community of fans. […]

Can Checking Blocks Be a Nash Equilibrium in Ethereum’s Proof-of-Stake?

Ethereum’s transition to Proof-of-Stake (PoS) introduced a novel security mechanism where validators stake their own Ether (ETH) to validate transactions and secure the network. However, a crucial question arises: is it rational for validators to diligently verify block validity before voting, or can they “free ride” on others’ efforts and still earn rewards? Let’s analyze […]

Network Effects and Information Cascades in Fake News

Misinformation, or fake news, spreads at shockingly high rates on social media. One example that the article “Fale News Spreads Fast, But Don’t Blame the Bots” mentions surrounds the submersible that lost contact in an attempt to view the Titanic this summer. On TikTok, there was a video that reached nearly 5 million views supposedly […]

Walt Disney Word’s Disney Genie+: The Payoff Matrix and Perfect Matching

Walt Disney Word’s Disney Genie+: The Payoff Matrix and Perfect Matching After having worked at Walt Disney World this past summer, I really grew to appreciate the intricate process and immense detail that goes into each attraction and experience. Additionally, after having taken Networks, I noticed some similarities between the concepts learned in class and […]

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December 2023
