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Decrease in Usage of Facebook

According to “facebook-files-show-growth-struggles-as-young-users-in-u-s-decline“, it is evident that the usage of teenager in facebook has decreased. With the existence of pandemic and inability to socialize with other people outside, a lot of people use social media in order to connect within each other. However, the facebook growth did not last long , and the usage of […]

ESS and Well Posedness Property

Link: Evolutionary Stable Strategies and Well Posedness Property From lectures, we know that the main concept of ESS is a strategy that is impermeable when adopted by a population in the adaptation to a specific environment, so the concept is largely applied in Biological modeling. Once all players in a game adopt the ESS, then […]

Netflix’s Rise and Fall: Network Effects

The existence of the pandemic brought rise to many lifestyle changes in everyday life. With the inability to go outside or occupy public spaces due to lockdown restrictions, many people had to find ways to entertain themselves, whether it be baking, surfing the internet or streaming shows and movies online. One of the most prominent […]

Information Cascade as seen in jury duty– 12 Angry Men Twelve Angry Men, the powerful 1957 film on a jury’s deadlock in a murder trial has stood the test of time through its unpacking of how fallacious judgements come to be, unvarnished showcase of various individual response to group dynamics, and a deft handling of tension in the admission of reasonable doubt amid the […]

Blot Post #2: Trading Networks

Article: This study essentially models a game in which buyers, sellers, and traders trade based on a graph that represents the buyers and sellers access to traders. This game is created to determine dominant strategy in situations where buyers and sellers have different accesses to trading and therefore different amounts of power in the […]

Thanksgiving and The Origins of Gratitude

Just about a week ago, we as a country celebrated Thanksgiving, a holiday whose purpose is apparent in its name. People gather around with their loved ones and express their gratitude to their benefactors while sharing a warm meal. This brings to question, why? Of course, it is a wholesome and admirable event, but what […]

Corona Virus With a Network Based Explanation After learning about how epidemics spread and the different models present to explain disease spread, this article was very interesting. It talks about R0 and how this value being greater than or less than 0 effect how rapidly disease spreads. Additionally,  the paper notes that quarantining, wearing mask, social distancing are all ways to […]

Misinformation on Twitter

It is clear that popular social media sites like Twitter and Facebook have a profound impact on the behavior and beliefs of its users. These sites act as news sources for many people and, as a result, both true and false news can be proliferated throughout these large social networks; this particular phenomenon is known […]

Cascade Theory as it Applies to Crime

Information cascades are phenomena that drive social behavior and enable aggregate herd-mindedness to arise as a consequence of ostensibly individual decision making. These cascades are prevalent in determining the popularity of various forms of media, in the proliferation of ideas, and in the foundation of societal and social norms. One area in which information cascades […]

Evolutionary game theory: molecules as players

The application of game theory in understanding people and animal behavior is a very common study; however, its application to cellular and subcellular levels of life rather than multicellular organisms is a less common study, but just as important to investigate. This article focuses on the subcellular level considering genes, viruses, and molecules as the […]

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July 2024
